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About the GrumpyQueen

A.K.A Gatekeeper

I love food, don't deprive me of it.

I'm not Princess, I'm Queen

I can be quite grumpy and when I am, I hide here, my dungeon for reflections, ramblings and ranting.

Whatever I write are opinions, and may not be the whole truth. Do not read it like the Gospel.

I hate as vehemently as I love
I already know I'm crazy, be my friend, it's safer

Different is not bad, just not the same as the rest

If you don't like me, it's probably mutual
But I'm nice, really :p

Blog started 21st June 2007, shifted from www.thegatekeeperstory.blogspot.com

If you wanna be linked, just tag ok?

Favourite posts

| How to revert back to old blogger template |
| Glitz and glamour |
| My lil goddaughter |
| 07/07/07 |
| Universe's theory |
| A senseless mess |
| Last class party pics |
| Rambling about stupid aunties |
| Last day of school pics |
| Last day of school pics |
| Tales of the SINGAPOREAN rojak |
| Killing cockroach with Sis I |
| Killing cockroach with Sis II |
| You know you're a Nurse when... |
| Thailand 2007 |
| Taiwan 2008 |

My old blog | My other blog | Anru |Bernard | Arianz | Cherryl | Candice | Christine | Darren |Emma | Fel | Lady Rose | Moose | Mable Bee | Oda | Princess Snow | Toe Queen | Yvonne |


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I'm just too sick and tired of a tagboard with a short term memory.

Thanks! :)


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You know you're bored crazy when...

You watch ants crawl past...

You fight with yourself

You look into your own eyes to find out what you're thinking

This has nothing to do with being mad. I like this pic. Such a happy little pic.

I was telling a friend on msn yesterday. I seem to have lost the ability to take nice emo pics of myself. Nowadays, I think the only pics of me looking nice are pics of me smiling widely.
Also good la, it's always nice to look happy. Who likes a sad, shrivelled up prune?

Oh ya, her majesty the queen was nearly late today la! Bus again! Yesterday made me late never mind, today made me run like one mad chipmunk.

And it was the same bloody driver! I recognise his "act cool" sunglasses from the rear mirror. Yesterday the traffic was not too bad, he sped like he was on his way to hell but the commuters were taking their own sweet time to board the bus. (For the record, I am quite sure I didn't miss my usual bus. Because I saw the people who takes the same bus with me everyday at the bus stop waiting. Can't be everyone late together right?Plus, if he's on time, why is he speeding?)

Back to the commuters, I honestly felt like standing at the entrance and shouting at them to hurry just board the stupid bus. Don't all these people have to work?!

And finally, at 8:27 a.m. the bus reached the hospital.

I literally pushed open the bus door, squeezed through that narrow space, ran like the wind to reach the auditorium at 0830 hours SHARP. I don't care if the guards think I'm some mad nurse or they think I'm filming some doctor/nurse show. I only know I can't be late, twice in a row. Who'd believe one is so unlucky, late because of traffic/bus, twice in a row?!

While on the bus, I was messaging my friend who's gonna be late to cos she either missed her bus or bus was late. I suspect the bus might be late cos I can take that bus to work too. Normally, I wouldn't have to wait more than 5 mins for either one of the two buses but these 2 days, have been waiting for about 7-10 mins for a bus. And we know that's NOT ACCEPTABLE AT ALL for the morning rush hour!

Bus made me wait, never mind. I couldn't even find a stupid cab la! I suspect they're all plucking their armpit hair at home! *fumes*

I honestly think the cabbies in Singapore are spoilt rotten! They keep on grumbling no business la, fuel price increase and all that shit. Stop increasing the bloody surcharge, just increase the number of taxis will do. Look at thailand, or HK, no problem getting cabs! Because almost half the vehicles on the roads are cabs.

I should really go to work in my horse and carriage in future, since public (road) transport is so undependable. I've never had such problems with MRTs. I really find MRTs more dependable than buses/taxis. At least most of the time, the exception being someone jumping into the tracks, the MRT door spoil and can't move cos the door can't close. But what are the chances of it happening? I was in NYP for 2.5 years and it happened less than 5 times to me.

And back to my story. By the time I reached, I honestly felt like I was gonna die. I was so dizzy from all the running, cos I had to make so many sharp turns at high speeds and we all know I'm the nua nua kind who hates to run. I was seriously panting and I was quite sure my instructors were all ready to do CPR on me anytime. I felt like sticking my tongue out like a dog to see if it'll make it any better but that's seriously TOO MUCH!

BUT! At least I was not late today. And I got my morning exercise.

30.4.08 8:09 PM

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My secret fantasy

if you want everything perfect then it'll never be says:
there are people, they don't have to even open their mouths, I just don't like them

if you want everything perfect then it'll never be says:
it's called dislike at first sight

if you want everything perfect then it'll never be says:
when they start to speak, oh heavens! I start to hate them

would you take my picture says:
yea it takes i think .3 secs to form an impression of people

would you take my picture says:

would you take my picture says:
you sound like th strange woman with 21 cats.

would you take my picture says:
hates everybody

would you take my picture says:
eats children.

would you take my picture says:
kills others' pets.

if you want everything perfect then it'll never be says:
when they do something irritating, I wish I could set my 21 dogs on them

would you take my picture says:

if you want everything perfect then it'll never be says:
I'm not a cat person

if you want everything perfect then it'll never be says:
and eat their children

if you want everything perfect then it'll never be says:
but then again, their children's meat's prob impure, I would feed it to my enemy's 32 cats

Hahaha this msn convo is priceless I tell ya. It'll be used as evidence against me if one day, all my enemy's children disappear mysteriously, another enemy with the 32 cats finds all 32 cats dead because they've been poisoned by some "mysterious substance."

Today I got so fucking pissed with some people I could have strangled them to death or attempt to karate-chop their necks.

I don't know what I'm talking about these days. I need to find a new initial(a short signature). I think my old one looks like a joke.

28.4.08 10:27 PM

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Happy confirmation anniversary to me!

Youth music ministry(YMM) made cards for people who'd be confirmed on Sunday. Suddenly, it dawned on me that 4 years ago, I got confirmed!

I happily announced this cool fact but no one seems to be interested. They looked up then went back to doing their stuff.

Oh, and I also asked them this IQ thing.

Suppose you're on a game show and you're given the choice of three doors. Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. The car and the goats were placed randomly behind the doors before the show. The rules of the game show are as follows: After you have chosen a door, the door remains closed for the time being. The game show host, Monty Hall, who knows what is behind the doors, now has to open one of the two remaining doors, and the door he opens must have a goat behind it. If both remaining doors have goats behind them, he chooses one randomly. After Monty Hall opens a door with a goat, he will ask you to decide whether you want to stay with your first choice or to switch to the last remaining door. Imagine that you chose Door 1 and the host opens Door 3, which has a goat. He then asks you "Do you want to switch to Door Number 2?" Is it to your advantage to change your choice?

Ahh, this REALLY got their attention. Everyone was like debating about this. First, they were gathered around me screaming that it shouldn't matter if the player decides to switch or not because the chances of getting the car is 50/50.

But I'm telling you it's not 50/50. You can read why here.

The commotion got the attention of those who just came in and didn't know what was going on. So one of the original group had to leave the mob to explain what was going on. Then, they had their own debate at another corner of the room which I found pretty funny.

Anyways, Marilyn Vos Savant, the one who supposedly has the highest IQ in the world said we should switch since switching would give us a 2/3 chance of winning the car while sticking with our choice would only give us a 1/3 chance.

If you still don't believe her after reading the wikipedia article, you can play the Monty hall game here.

To be really honest, I didn't get her logic initially, putting me in the category of "People with normal intelligence." But I found her logic very interesting and decided to read on. I pondered upon the solution for an hour or so before attaining enlightenment.

I think the crtical condition here is that the host HAS TO KNOW WHERE THE CAR IS. If he doesn't then yes, it doesn't matter if we switch or not.

Hahaha I honestly feel quite smart now! Oh and if you wanna ask your friends this question, be prepared to face really violent objections. People cannot seem to accept that they've got only normal IQ.

25.4.08 9:37 PM

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I'm so vain I cannot stand myself

Look at what I just did. I know la, I'm quite mad. I've got tests tmr, a proj due on monday and I still got the mood to play around.

24.4.08 5:41 PM

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Had some CPR thing going on the whole of today. Nearly went mad with all the compressing. It's seriously tiring la! Pump, pump, pump...blow and blow. At one point, I was so giddy with all the blowing I thought I was gonna die while taking a CPR test.

All in all, I passed. Otherwise it'll be a waste of the lovely hokkien mee and honeyed chicken they provided as part of the training. :p

I wouldn't mind failing if they tell me I'm gonna get food the next time I come back! :p

Tmr I've got 1 theory test and another practical test. Oh my God, someone please save me!

I should study. Enough said.

4:10 PM

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Today, the orientation programme ended 1 hour earlier (bless their souls!) Came home and slept from 5 to 7.

I swear! These naps after work are like so much better than my usual sleep at night. 2 hours of nap makes me feel MORE refreshed than 8 hours of sleep. What's more, I'm sleeping on my sofa, not my bed for my afternoon naps. Perhaps, I should consider moving to the hall to sleep at night.

Softball was fun. Was more of a spectator than player though. My prozac didn't make it though, both had last minute plans.

I'm so tired and drained. I try to fill my mind with things, surround myself with people so that I'll fall asleep the moment I hit the pillows but it's not working! Because the more things I do, the more people I meet, the more drained I feel. But it's not the kind of physical exhaustion I feel but the mental exhaustion. I feel like my body can still go on but my mind is too tired to function. I feel like sleeping forever. It feels like I need double the effort to take another step, that one day I'd be so exhausted I might not get up from bed and let mould cover me.

Can you see the whole irony? My physical capabilities do not match my mental capabilities.

Enough said. Depressed posts should not go on forever.

21.4.08 8:35 PM

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Strange people

I met 2 strange people at the bus stop today. But I was in uniform so I couldn't possibly roll my eyes at them can I?

Strange woman no. 1:
She looked a little mad la but was with another friend, who looked almost as mad as her. Then suddenly she kept pointing at my shoe going, "BATA! BATA" in a normal conversational tone. I was listening to music at that time and assumed that she was talking to her friend.

Then she went something like, "Bata hor? Bata hor?" and kept nudging her friend. Her friend must have acknowledged her amazing discovery with a nod or what la, I don't know. But her friend's interest in my shoe was short lived.

Then this strange woman kept nudging her friend telling her that my shoe is from Bata. Her friend was obviously, so not interested in my shoe and kept looking away.

Now, finally, she looked at me in the eye and just went "Bata ah? Bata ah? Your shoe from Bata ah?"

By now I was starting to believe that she's semi retarded, a shoe can actually entertain her for 5 mins. What is so interesting about a stupid black shoe? It's not like as if it had diamonds on it!

I gave her a really nice smile and said I can't remember where I got the shoe. She looked quite pleased with my answer and finally stopped nudging her friend.

Strange woman no. 2:
Apparantly, the friend of this strange woman no. 2 bought 1 tub of ice cream from the supermarket less than 30 mins ago. While she was at the bus stop, the ice cream started seeping out of the plastic bag. The friend opened the bag and realised the ice cream had melted and it was seeping out of the countainer. She was making such a commotion there that I had to turn and look.

So the friend decided to go back and ask for an exchange, leaving the strange woman at the bus stop.

Then the strange woman started telling me what's going on. Saying that she would help look after her friend's groceries but she's rushing home, which is why the friend is lugging all the groceries back and forth.

The whole time I had this "so you tell me for what?" look on my face. But I can't be too unfriendly and tried making small talk with her.

Moral of the story: I think people think people in uniform know the whole of singapore. They have this sense that the policeman/nurse/fireman MUST know them because they are Singaporeans and this policeman/nurse/fireman is wearing a uniform.

Do people talk to a bank teller who's just finished her shift and wearing her bank's uniform?

I mean, I was even wearing earphones la, which means I DON'T WANNA BE DISTURBED EVEN THOUGH I AM IN UNIFORM.

Ok, I'm gonna get into a habit of not wearing a uniform when I'm not at work. Because I don't really like the idea of the public coming up to me asking for directions to the weirdest of places. I am a nurse, not a taxi driver! Then people come up to me and tell me that they can't read the signs, why like that, why they never think of the Chinese educated people. Do I look like the sign makers to you?

18.4.08 6:42 PM

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Please flood me with messages

If anyone is free, on the train or something, please send me some crappy sms to help me tide over the terrible orientation. I will surely reply telling u how terrible the orientation is.

If somehow you land up in the area with no lunch buddy, please date me. *coughs* Yvonne! Outing! Outing! Outing!

I know I haven't met so many of my friends in the longest time, if you're free around lunch time or after 5:30 p.m. please ask me out! I'll surely squeeze out every ounce of strength to try to entertain you.

The benefit is you'll get to see how I look in uniform. Which, in my opinion, I think looks really terrible on me, especially the pantsuit, like some hospital cleaner. But my sis saw me in pantsuit today and she said I really look like a staff nurse now.

*dances around the room*

Maybe she was just making me happy but this feels really good. I feel the pressure, I know what's expected of me but somehow, I like this feeling. I like being responsible for things. I think it's crazy.

My thoughts are all disjointed now. It's bedtime, loser. Sleep at 11 pm, wake up at 7 am. *shakes head* What a life...

16.4.08 10:39 PM

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PLEASE! Someone save me!

Oh my goodness! I feel like I'm becoming mad already. Yea, my dear friends will correct me and say that I'm ALREADY quite mad so what's the diff?

Orientation is seriously killing me. I sit down in the lecture theatre promptly at 0830 hours and must not leave unless it's time for tea or lunch. If I go to the toilet, I'm expected to come back in less than 10 mins. Then when the clock strikes 1730, I can separate my butt from the chair and go home. How like that?!

The best part is that I don't even know what those lecturers are saying. And the other best part is that I still have about twenty over days to go.

My seniors say orientation period is honeymoon period. If this is honeymoon, I think I haven't tasted suffering yet. I've got a long way to go...

15.4.08 9:16 PM

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I'm starting work!

It's D-day tmr. I'm excited and at the same time lost. I kinda of wish the hols won't end so soon yet want it to end. I know I'm a walking contradiction.

Oh my goodness, I still haven't decided on what to wear. Pantsuit or dress? I think dress la, first official day mah...

I also realise that I'm very constipated. 'Cos this entry was supposed to come out earlier but I delayed blogging to go and shit. The shit was really hard and stank. What has that got to do with starting work? Pretty much nothing but I forgot what I originally wanted to write.

Anyway, please pray that I wake up in time, and don't do anything stupid, been a long time since I'm expected to function at the ungodly hour of 8:30 a.m.

Ok enough said. 10 p.m. My sis decreed that it shall be our new bedtime from now on. Good night.

13.4.08 9:46 PM

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If I become deaf, it's their bloody fault

Went for some Praise and Worship thing on Friday at Max Pavillion. And oh my God, can I say I nearly went deaf? I'm already half blind, now still wanna take my hearing away!

1) They blasted the music like there's no tommorrow. I think it was even loud enough to wake the dead.
2) The girls were screaming/squealing like pigs. I almost thought I was in a slaughter house.

I am not joking nor exaggerating here. But I seriously think, the reason I'm still Catholic is because I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT stand this kind of jump, jump, jump, praise and worship thing. I never saw the reason to turn a church service into a pop concert.

One of the performers said, 'the heart of praise and worship is not us, it's Jesus.' It's not about making US happy, or applauding the performers, praise and worship is a prayer, not a performance. And guess what the audience did? THEY SCREAMED EVEN MORE!

Are they like retarded or something? Can't they do something less traumatic to the ear drums like stomp a beat?

I'm not saying I don't enjoy praise and worship. I do, to some extent. I guess I just hate the people who squeal like nobody's business.

And that's not all, you know the Max pavillion seats are like meeting chairs right? The jokers behind my row were like jumping away la. Jump and jump, I think they must have been monkeys in their past life. My whole bloody chair was like shaking violently away la. I thought I was in the Exorcist movie!

And if that's not enough. At the end of the whole thing, all of them were so high, they look like they were on drugs. No prizes for guessing what they were doing. Screaming away! I tell ya, their screams were probably shrill enough to shatter glasses. Shatter, not crack!

Is this their idea of fun? If you're a non-Christian and some friend dragged you there to look see, will you join their church? I know I'd just take flight at the first available opportunity.

I also cannot stand those who try to shove Christianity down their non-believer friends' throats. But that's just another matter and I'm too tired to write further.

Good night, earthlings.

12.4.08 11:43 PM

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Lucky gal

I don't know if I'm overly optimistic these days or I'm really becoming luckier. I was just feeling bored, reached into my pocket, and found $10!

Wah mai xiao xiao, if everytime I reached into my pocket and found $10, I'd be rich by now! Although I know the money must belong to someone in the family la, since Spiderman probably won't dangle in mid air to put money in my shorts pocket when it's hanging outside my window to dry right?

Sometimes when I'm walking, I can even find coins on the floor la. It used to happen quite often when I was young, my mum used to joke that because I'm short and walk looking down, of course can see money on the floor la! Then she stopped because I somehow became taller than her and learnt to walk with my head held up.

I like this song, just uploaded to imeem. Enjoy. :D

风轻轻 反动回忆的背景
那想念 像天空一样安静

数不清 多少次曾下过决心
绝总是 被你轻易地喊停

爱情里 我们分两条路前行
再努力 都无法和幸福跟进

以为时间 会删除有你的剧情
它却只是 见到路人的背影

让他替我爱你 是我唯一能给的关心
虽然重头到尾 都没有真正拥有过你的身影

让他替我爱你 是我唯一爱你的途径
我会告诉自己 爱是为了让对方开心

就像一开始 就没让你察觉我的爱情

10.4.08 10:13 PM

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I'm a big girl

Come Monday, I'll start work le!

*jumps around the room*

But it'll be orientation only, I'll just be sitting in the auditorium trying to look smart. After this honeymoon period, then I'll be thrown into the real world to begin my oh-so-noble career. Please bo pi laoniang, that I'll pass my probabtion period, get more benefits and earn lots of money.

Don't say never think of all of you. If I pass my probabtion, I can book lovely chalets leh! Normally, no one books chalets to stay in it by herself so chances are I'll invite my lovely friends over to enjoy life.

Ok, I probably sound like some mercenary girl now, but who don't want more benefits/money? Don't want your money, it's ok, give it to me, I'll think of a way to get rid of it for you.

Honestly, I'm more excited because I'm gonna do something I've always wanted to do. It's like a dream come true. But at the same time, I don't know if I'm up to it. There are so many emotions within, it feels like the only thing that's keeping me from exploding is the skin.

1) Excitement/anticipation. I'm so excited that I'm gonna do something I've always wanted to do. All my 3 years, it was all I wanted to specialise in. And you can never imagine how much attention this has garnered. Everyone, from strangers to my closest ones expressed their concern. I understand their concerns and I hope it's gonna turn out alright.

2) A lovely, unexpected surprise. I never expected them to entertain my request, this whole thing is quite surreal. It's like I'm dreaming. Because I was also mentally preparing myself to accept the more practical path i.e. to work in an acute, general setting before deciding if this is what I wanna specialise in.

3) Fear of failure. Honestly, I don't really have a backup plan here. I haven't thought of what will happen if I wake up one day and decide that I don't wanna do this anymore. It feels like if I stop liking what I do, I'll never like anything again. My liking will disappear and leave an empty space behind.

4) What if my colleagues suck?

Yea, basically those are what I feel now.

Oh ya, yesterday my mum killed a flying cockroach! But my sis and me cleared the corpse. Aiyah, no matter what, she still can't beat what my sis and me did. We've killed 1 flying cockroach, 2 normal ones and cleared the corpses of 4 cockroaches! Quite an amazing feat eh?

Personally, I prefer cockroaches to lizards. Normal, walking cockroaches la, not flying ones. I personally find lizards very disgusting. Their cold tails might drop off and scare you. When you smack them, their bodies might get mashed up beyond recognition and you might have problems sweeping them up. And what if you're using a broom to sweep them up and they get stuck to the broom?!

And they have black, beady eyes that make them look disgusting! If I weren't frightened of them, I would have poked at their eyes to blind them. Or like chop off their legs and see if they bleed.

Alright now, I'm done ranting. Your turn to speak.

4:00 PM

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I'm mad with happiness!

I got my posting results today!

*hops around madly*

God hasn't been THIS good to me in a long while...

I don't care if I'm gonna sound like a Christian fanatic and Xue might roll her eyes at me if she sees this but...


Not only did I NOT get into that shit ward, I even got into my favourite ward of all time.

So many people have been telling me that I won't get it, only staff with 1 year experience can go in and so on, so I was very happy to get in.

Now I'm gonna be very loyal to the company and work myself to death.

I was still telling God the other day, "Chin chye la, any ward will do, just not that shit ward."

But I'm also feeling apprehensive about the whole thing. Yes, I like the field I'm going into. It's what I would want to specialise in anyway but am I up to it? Am I gonna get sick and tired of this whole thing? Is it as rosy as I portrayed it to be?

Oh what the heck, I'm so hard to please. At least, for as long as I remain interested in this, I won't be dragging my feet to work. Work will be hobby for me.


7.4.08 1:30 PM

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Starting work next week. Kinda of excited yet I feel a sense of loss. But heck, we all have to grow up, if not now then some other day. But this WILL NOT be the last of my studying days, I will be back for more studying someday.

Come to think of it, I love studying. I think I'm a nerd.

Why are there so many cheena piangs all around ar? Everywhere leh! In the cake shops, hospitals, shopping centres, food courts, mortuary, buses. EVERYWHERE! I'm not a bloody racist or whatever but isn't this all too much? There are simply too many of them around. I don't even like their attitude.

Today, I was at this cake shop in Jurong point. We bought this brownie thinking it's $1.5o. In actual fact, they put the wrong tag up, it's supposed to be $1.80. Naturally, my mum wanted to know why she was being charged an extra 30 cents right? The stupid cashier told her, quite rudely that someone put the wrong tag up, supposed to be $1.80 for one piece. No apology, in the wanna-buy-then-buy-don't-buy-go-and-die tone.

They say Singaporeans are choosy, don't wanna take those jobs. What about those old people? Aren't they Singaporeans who need jobs? But no one wants them, cos why pay for old people when u can get a youngster to do it for the same wage?

But I mean, just think. Shouldn't we be happy that our youngsters are working in better paid jobs rather then doing menial jobs? Why are we aiming for our young to be sweepers or toilet cleaners? Do the bosses of cleaning companies expect their kids to become cleaners? Would they want their kids to earn something like $800 a month scrubbing toilet floors? If you won't consider making your kid become a cleaner for $800 a month, how the hell you expect youngsters to take up your cleaning jobs? Of course have to leave it to the old people to do la!

Seriously, when we pay peanuts, we expect to get monkeys. What can we expect from people who're willing to work for long hours for a petty sum of money? Unless we're willing to give our cleaners, garbage collectors, embalmers, bus drivers a better wage, I guess we'll have to make do with these monkeys.

And anyway, it's too late to give them better wages now. Since we're still gonna be stuck with these monkeys with or without good wages. We should have been smarter and given our cleaners and all better wages from the start. Increasing their salary now will make us look silly. Pay so much to keep the monkeys. All the more they won't leave la!

Random note: I wanna come up with a wishlist now. Since I won't be using my parents' money for much longer, I think I'm now qualified to draft a wishlist and try to get it.

1) The latest digital camera. I think it's 10 megapixal or something, according to what I read on xue's blog. Now, even my blackheads can be counted! :p

2) Photoshop. But that's silly because I don't know how to use and I got no time to learn. :(

3) hp bought with my money.

4) More clothes and shoes, we can never have too many clothes or shoes!

5) I don't know, maybe I wanna save up for Botox/plastic surgery or something? :p

I think trying to look beautiful is addictive. You can never be TOO beautiful to wanna stop trying. First, we try to lose some weight. Then we get rid of the pimples. Next we find the feature we hate most and try to fix that. When wrinkles appear we do Botox...it'll never stop. But I doubt I'll do something as drastic as go for Botox or plastic surgery.

Hence, number 5 should be to save up for my uni. Hopefully, I'll be able to quit during my uni education and be a full time student again. Hahaha! Sounds like fun leh! :p

6.4.08 10:37 PM

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*Runs around frantically*

Why the hell facebook call me a playgirl?!

I added the app, chucked it aside and never go and suka suka flirt with people how can you call me a playgirl? Today when I decided to look at my apps section I got such a fright in my life. WTF, no one ever calls me a playgirl.

I'm Taurus, a bull. Which means I'm stubborn and faithful!

Played around with the thing and realise that it's a score thing. Like if you get a certain score you get a certain title. And if one person flirts with you, you get one point or something like that.

So how come I can become playgirl? Playgirl is someone who fools around right?

Why can't I be some dream lover or the equivilant? :p

I'm so BHB eh?

But on further thought, I decided that it could be a compliment. Playgirls must have desirable qualities, otherwise who the hell will let her play around?! You need to be either rich or pretty to have people to play with you right? Since on facebook, they won't know if I'm rich or not, therefore they must think I'm pretty.

*jumps around the room*


Oh my God, I disgust even myself. Seriously you know, sometimes it gets too disgusting for me. Like how I'm so deluded and all. And like how I can be so un-glam at times. My sister gives me this 'you're disgusting' look when I'm like that. I wish I can take a pic sometime and post it on here. It's really a classic, I need to find something disgusting to do to make her give me that look again!

3.4.08 12:07 AM

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