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About the GrumpyQueen

A.K.A Gatekeeper

I love food, don't deprive me of it.

I'm not Princess, I'm Queen

I can be quite grumpy and when I am, I hide here, my dungeon for reflections, ramblings and ranting.

Whatever I write are opinions, and may not be the whole truth. Do not read it like the Gospel.

I hate as vehemently as I love
I already know I'm crazy, be my friend, it's safer

Different is not bad, just not the same as the rest

If you don't like me, it's probably mutual
But I'm nice, really :p

Blog started 21st June 2007, shifted from www.thegatekeeperstory.blogspot.com

If you wanna be linked, just tag ok?

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| How to revert back to old blogger template |
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| Rambling about stupid aunties |
| Last day of school pics |
| Last day of school pics |
| Tales of the SINGAPOREAN rojak |
| Killing cockroach with Sis I |
| Killing cockroach with Sis II |
| You know you're a Nurse when... |
| Thailand 2007 |
| Taiwan 2008 |

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One mad old and rude fart

Yesterday, was at the hawker center with my dad. You know how the hawker center setup is right? Rows and rows of round tables with space enough for one person or so.

So common sense will have us both walking one behind the other right?

Which is what I did but I have to keep turning back to watch where my dad's going right?

So just as I was looking behind every few seconds and talking to him, I bumped into someone.

My immediate and I believe every normal and sane person's reaction is to apologise, whether or not it is your fault.

And I was just about to do that when this rude fart went, "You don't know how to look where you're going ar?"

What a rude and mad looking lady. So old but so rude!

Actually not that old la, she looked at most 60.

Already had a bad day, hungry and now I have this mad woman barking at me.

Couldn't help but retort back, "then you yourself never look!"

Then she said some of the lamest shit in the whole of Singapore's history.

"I was looking at the chairs ma!"

With that, she walked off, looking more mad than ever.

Please la, crazy woman. You look at the chair for what? Gold ah?

But I'll never forget that look of shock on her face. It's like she thought she was mad to shout at someone instead of apologising, little did she expect this girl to be madder--she retorted back.

22.11.08 9:39 PM

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Stupid twits!

One big twit!

One small twit aka bitch.

I got nothing much to say about the big twit la. Since he earned his stripes and can now afford to be cocky. But still he should at least be polite and impartial right? How can he just cover his junior's backside at the expense of someone else? Covering his junior's backside on another unrelated occasion. Not only that, rude some more! This time he's only slightly unfriendly la.

Never mind about him for now, the stupid small twit; inefficient, whiny and just pre-occupied with tiny unimportant matters.

All she does is hide behind the big twit's backside and run all over the shop looking for stuff that were placed right under her nose. And the nerve of her to accuse me of not preparing the stuff for her.

Look, it's not the first time doctors ask for stuff that are placed in front of them.

*pukes* To call these 2 unfriendly twits doctors is just so insulting to the med profession.

Ok, like I was saying, never mind if you ask for stuff, but can you ask for it nicely?

"How's that you all do not put the case notes and charts together during rounds?"

Your backside la! Can't you see that ALL the patients have their charts and notes together. Maybe you should open your goldfish eyes to look?

But still I helped her, cos she looked quite distressed and I know how afraid she must be of that big twit who might give her a big time scolding behind closed doors.

So in the end, she found those charts right under the big twit's nose and sheepishly said, "oh it's ok, found already."

Then, when the big twit left, this small twit became one big time bitch. At first I thought she was only eager to hide behind that big twit's backside and a bit inefficient. But this bitch began to pick on us. Some blood test was not done and this twit insisted that it was our fault when we were not the one who pricked the patient.

She kept on asking us to call the night nurse to find out what happened. People sleeping la, you dope-head.

And it's not even her bloody fault the night doctor didn't do what she's (night doctor) supposed to do right? So how come you don't call the night doctor to ask why she ordered the blood but didn't take?

Ok, so she was going on and on about how she has to poke the patient another time, how stupid is it not to have done the test the first time around and blah blah blah.

Please la, if it was her fault this happened, would she have said the same thing? Or if we know for sure it's the fault of the night doctor, would the big twit have covered for her?

Besides, would it help matters, if we know who's fault is it? Blood not taken, period. We have to do what we need to do.

And so finally she angrily walked to the patient to take the blood. Well, if she had been nicer, we'd have done it for her and saved her all the trouble. Heck, we'll even apologise because doctors are bad at apologising. :p

After that, with that bitchy attitude of hers, she angrily walked out of the ward and said, without looking at me, "CALL ME IF THE BLOOD RESULTS ARE ABNORMAL."

You talking to dog ar? CCB. *pui*

And so, I called her to inform her of the ABNORMAL results. And despite all that she's done, I still politely greeted her on the phone and spoke to her. And guess what the bitch did? She didn't even say "ok" or "sure" or anything to acknowledge me, SHE SLAMMED THE BLOODY PHONE DOWN ON ME!!!"

KNN! CCB! I killed her grandfather or what? Don't need to say thank you la, even a simple ok or "hmm" would suffice. Dont tell me she might be in a bloody emergency. Even if she was half dead, gasping for air also can say "ya" right?

This kind of inefficient and cocky doctors, one day if they screw up, I'll feel sorry for the patient but I'll never feel sorry if they've to lose their license. I'll even point and laugh.

Moral of the story: You wanna be cocky, be efficient, be good enough to be able to function alone and manage the patient on your own.

21.11.08 5:08 PM

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Dogs don't brag about whom they have slept with.
Dogs are already in touch with their inner puppies.
You are never suspicious of your dog's dreams.
Gorgeous dogs don't know they're gorgeous.
The worst social disease you can get from dogs is fleas.
(OK, the *really* worst disease you can get from them is rabies, but there's a vaccine for it, and you get to kill the one that gives it to you.)
Dogs do not have problems expressing affection in public.
Dogs miss you when you're gone.
You never wonder whether your dog is good enough for you.
Dogs feel guilt when they've done something wrong.
Dogs do not play games with you ----except fetch
(and they never laugh at how you throw).
Dogs are happy with any video you choose to rent, because they know the most important thing is that you're together.
Dogs don't feel threatened by your intelligence.
You can train a dog.
Dogs understand what "no" means.
Dogs don't make a practice of killing their own species.
Dogs understand if some of their friends cannot come inside.
Dogs think you are a culinary genius.
You can house train a dog.
Middle-aged dogs don't feel the need to abandon you for a younger owner.
Dogs aren't threatened by a woman with short hair.
Dogs are nice to your relatives.
Dogs don't mind if you do all the driving.
Dogs don't step on the imaginary brake.
Dogs admit it when they're lost.
Dogs don't weigh down your purse with their stuff.
Dogs do not care whether you shave your legs.
Dogs aren't threatened if you earn more than they do.
Dogs mean it when they kiss you.
You can force a dog to take a bath.


Both take up too much space on the bed.
Both have irrational fears about vacuum cleaning.
Both are threatened by their own kind.
Both like to chew wood.
Both mark their territory.
Both are bad at asking you questions.
Neither tells you what's bothering them.
Both tend to smell riper with age.
The smaller ones tend to be more nervous.
Neither do dishes.
Both fart shamelessly.
Neither of them notice when you get your hair cut.
Both like dominance games.
Both are suspicious of the postman.
Neither knows how to talk on the telephone.
Neither understands what you see in cats.
Both have an inordinate fascination with women's crotches.


Men only have two feet to track in mud.
Men don't have to play with every man they see when you take them around the block.
Men open their own cans.
Dogs have dog breath ALL the time
Men can do math stuff.
Holiday Inns accept men.
Men don't eat cat turds on the sly.

20.11.08 12:38 AM

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Screw the selfish twits la. Anyhow anyhow happily take MC like it's their birth right. Stupid sickly imbecile, now some innocent person has to take over their duty and cancel on people. But more importantly, I think some people just have the words "hey ask me to do extra duty la, I very free!" carved across their foreheads. Otherwise, how come they always get called back to do extra duty?

Was so bloody angry just now I could have killed a tiger with my bare hands. It's not the fault of the person who cancels on people because of such things, I know.

I just needed a good rant before I explode. kthxbye.

17.11.08 10:07 PM

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I speak Mandarin selectively!

A bloody cheena piang just called me asking if I know how to speak Mandarin. Something like that happened to me before and I stupidly spoke to her in Mandarin.

So I was stuck with her, and her endless number of questions.

She asked what was my occupation and I didn't feel like telling her anyway. Made it sound like it was something shameful.

Boy, she was damn persistant la. But I perservered and she had no choice but to ask for my name only.

I told her it was Chen Xin Yi. kuakua

Don't asked me how come I just pluck this name for her la.

I told her Chen Xiu Yi, which is actually my chinese name what. But I suppose she's half deaf and heard it as Xin Yi.

Not my fault! Neh nanny neh neh!

And at least I didn't give some stupid chinese compo name like Chen Xiao Li lor! Or Chen Kua Kua. Or Chen Lan Jiao.

This time I'm a little smarter. She kept on asking if I know how to speak Mandarin in Mandarin. And I just kept asking "who is this ar? Who is this ar?" in English.

Was pretty funny though, the more English I spoke, the more anxious she became, as if her life depended on this stupid call.

The last one asked me to go to some sale which probably sounds suspicious enough. If it's legitimate, why do you have to know my occupation, age and name? To assess how much you can con me off? Why can't you give out flyers to promote this sale shit?

Maybe this one's calling to ask why I didn't go. :p

As if I've got nothing better to do than to sit around all day waiting to go for such sales and get conned.

Even if I went, they're probably selling clothes that'll make me look like a China prostitute.

Already I've got screwed up hair that can make me look like a mad woman if not handled properly, and still they wanna make me look like a china prostitute. These evil little twits!

12:37 PM

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Someone give me a knock!

Bloody hell, I don't know what the hell possessed me. I happily spent $188 to look like a freak.

Next time, just stick to my good old rebonding.

It's been 2 days since I got those stupid curls, and I took 21, TWENTY ONE pictures to try and look nice. And frankly, all of them sucked and only these 2 are probably good enough not to make anyone puke.

It actually looked okay when I came home from the salon, as you can see from the first pic. But this morning when I woke up, I took 1.5 hours trying to fix this disaster. Nothing I did worked and at last, I had no choice but to leave the house in this act cute taiwanese hair.

*rolls eyes*

Don't asked me how I walked around in this hair la, I really don't know. The same ghost that possessed me to do this shit to myself must have possessed me to give me the strength to believe it's ok to walk around looking like that.

Anyway, I'm going to make a statement today. The next time I have the audacity to suggest something like curl my hair, just knock my head until I come to my senses. Temporary curls by professionals for makeovers should not count.

I do not deserve this kinda of curls. Like seriously, the amount of work required is scary. And I'm so scared if I don't maintain my hair properly, they'll have the texture of my pubic hair then how?

And screw that salon that did my hair. I seem to have most of my worst hairstyles from them.

16.11.08 10:36 PM

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I'm a little bored and mad now so I shall rant about the stupid guy who jumped into the tiger's enclosure and got killed.

Some people are asking for the tigers to be put down.

And what did the poor tigers do, may I ask?

And whoever asked the stupid guy to jump into their enclosure?

I read the guy was a little unstable before he died. Yes, it is unfortunate he died because of a problem deemed "unsolvable" by him. But why are we punishing the tiger for reacting the way a tiger should act?

How should we protect our species from being eaten up by tigers in the zoo? Can we pluck out all of the tiger's teeth and train the tiger to be vegetarian?

Or perhaps, we make the tiger go to school la! Make it take university degree and teach it right and wrong.

*rolls eyes*

If this guy jumped from a block of HDB flats, are we gonna blow up that block of flats? If he used a flowerpot/stool/bench outside someone's flat to help him in the jump, should we charge the owner of the flowerpot/stool/bench for murder and hang them?

If he bought rat poison to poison himself, do we hunt the shopkeeper down and charge him?

Today someone jumped into a tiger's enclosure and died. We put the tigers down. Fine.

Tmr someone jumps into the bear's enclosure and gets killed. Bears get put down.

Next week someone jumps into the path of an elephant and gets trampled to death. Put elephants down.

What will become of the zoo? Are we gonna have dogs, cats and hamsters in our zoos only?

It's not even about the zoo not having enough "protocols for safety." Remember what I said about having idiot proof SOPs in place? Some idiot will always manage to fall between the cracks.

I say it's most unfortunate this guy and so many others commit suicide in one way or another. But it's even more sad society doesn't go to the root cause but punishes some innocent being in a desperate attempt to make ourselves feel as if we're doing something about it.

15.11.08 10:26 PM

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I never thought it'll hurt so much, when I thought she died.

On this same blog, I wished I could strangle her to death with my bare hands, I wished I could kill her with those shit stained hands. And now I'd hold those hands daily, I'd stroke her cheek, I'd irritate her half to death so that I'd get at least half of her back. Bad tempered but nonetheless fiesty self back.

I came into psy med thinking I don't have to face that many deaths. Well, that's quite true. But who would have guessed that when one psy patient dies or deteriorates, it'll hurt much more than when a medical patient deteriorates. Not to say medical patients are less of a human being but sometimes, our patients become family.

She came in, one patient from hell. Fiesty, loud and basically really irritating. She screamed, dug shit and made a nuisance of herself. Everyone was living on the brink of insanity with her non-stop shouting.

And now, this poor dear is sedated, sleeping most of the day, at our mercy for her every need.

Just what the hell have we done to her?

Have we done more harm than good even though our intention was to help?

How many lives have we destroyed but thought we helped?

Ok enough of this depressing shit.

Today, while trying to flag a cab down, this twit had the nerve to just walk right in front of me, like one metre in front of me to try snatch my cab. Stupid bastard, I really wished the engine malfunctions, heats the seats up and burns his arse and balls.

Thankfully, the cab he got was going to Pasir Ris for change of shift. And I got the cab which was rightfully mine.

While on my way to the canteen this crazy woman nearly crushed me with the lift door and it took a while for her to realise that I'm actually hurting. For a few seconds she just looked at me blankly, like what the hell was I trying to do, rubbing my elbows.

What did she think I was trying to do huh? Turn myself on by rubbing my elbows?! Stupid twit.

A rather interesting day. Enough said.

10.11.08 4:33 PM

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Ok, so I'm done with my nights and blogging here at this ungodly hour when I should be sleeping.

My nights were ok I suppose, with one woman who...

First night: Drank 2 cups of milk and 1 cup of milo.

Second night: I forgot how many exactly but it was also something like my first night

Third night: Kept wads of toilet paper in her pocket to soak up her vaginal discharges, pestered me for an extra pyjamas just because she's afraid we will run out of pyjamas of her size. Also drank one cup of milk and one cup of milo and had the audacity to ask me for 3 packets of biscuits.

What a prune head.

1. Who the hell wears the Super size pyjamas except her anyway? Supersize is like larger than XXL! And even if she's gonna bathe like 20 times a day, am sure we'll have more than enough clothes for her la, why does she need to hoard them?

2. I think she wants her money back from some dieting programme. With an appetite like this, how the hell is she gonna lose weight? And she still has the good cheek to ask for her money back.

It's an illness. But when you're facing her, irritated from lack of sleep and she's still going on and on, really feel like throwing her in the trash can. When you've finally got the time to sit down and blog about it, it's kinda of funny actually.

And then I got another stupid woman who was snoring away happily on my second and third night and had the audacity to utter the words "I didn't sleep last night/sleep well"

You go and eat shit la. I had half a mind to give her one damn good kick on the arse while saying that, send her flying to Africa to sleep with the lions and get the sleep she so deserves.

7.11.08 9:58 AM

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