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About the GrumpyQueen

A.K.A Gatekeeper

I love food, don't deprive me of it.

I'm not Princess, I'm Queen

I can be quite grumpy and when I am, I hide here, my dungeon for reflections, ramblings and ranting.

Whatever I write are opinions, and may not be the whole truth. Do not read it like the Gospel.

I hate as vehemently as I love
I already know I'm crazy, be my friend, it's safer

Different is not bad, just not the same as the rest

If you don't like me, it's probably mutual
But I'm nice, really :p

Blog started 21st June 2007, shifted from www.thegatekeeperstory.blogspot.com

If you wanna be linked, just tag ok?

Favourite posts

| How to revert back to old blogger template |
| Glitz and glamour |
| My lil goddaughter |
| 07/07/07 |
| Universe's theory |
| A senseless mess |
| Last class party pics |
| Rambling about stupid aunties |
| Last day of school pics |
| Last day of school pics |
| Tales of the SINGAPOREAN rojak |
| Killing cockroach with Sis I |
| Killing cockroach with Sis II |
| You know you're a Nurse when... |
| Thailand 2007 |
| Taiwan 2008 |

My old blog | My other blog | Anru |Bernard | Arianz | Cherryl | Candice | Christine | Darren |Emma | Fel | Lady Rose | Moose | Mable Bee | Oda | Princess Snow | Toe Queen | Yvonne |


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Please use my haloscan to comment on specific posts by clicking on the
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link at the end of each post.

For misc/random comments just tag on the latest post.

I'm just too sick and tired of a tagboard with a short term memory.

Thanks! :)


December 2006
January 2007
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May 2007
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August 2007
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October 2007
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December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
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December 2008
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September 2010
October 2010

I wanna get my license soon...

~sits there staring at the window~

I want to get my license soon, I want to drive so that I can go for supper at 2 a.m.

They say if you write it down, you'll fulfil it.

So yup, I should continue working towards my dream, I wanna get it before 2007 ends, with my darling's support of course. :p

27.5.07 9:14 PM

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I don't even know why I even bother

I don't know why are there so many irritating specimens lurking around. I don't know why it hurts. Why do some people take things so seriously when they aren't supposed to and others clown around when they're supposed to take things seriously?

Why do I have to suppress some reflex actions? If I had my way, I think half the world would have been dead by now, 1/4 in a coma and another 1/4 with a broken limb.

I'm really really gritting my teeth, I hear my teeth grind daily, I feel my blood pressure rising and my arteries throbbing away as I talk to some irritating people. What can I do?

I sometimes feel like throwing whatever's in my hand in their faces...until I remember that whatever's in my hand is probably worth more than their lives.

I sometimes feel like strangling them to death...then I remember that...
a) I've run out of strings
b) I've run out of places to bury them

So basically, the only thing that's stopping me now is my constraints. I feel trapped, no matter what I say, it's going to be wrong, people are still going to get offended.

I've tried thinking to myself, "don't judge yourself with other people's eyes, be yourself." But even then, I still feel suffocated. If I wanna do what I like, it means I've got to kill them all. Can I?

24.5.07 8:46 PM

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A stupid night

I honestly hate my internet provider. I called them TWICE in 3 days for the same problems.

1) I can't connect to the internet both on my laptop and desktop
2) When I finally managed to go online, my wireless network, which is a secure network is now unsecured.

So now after fixing the intitial problem--cannot go online, I have to call the router's technical support to fix the second problem. How sucky is that?

K, that's not too upsetting yet. When I called the internet service provider's technical support...

1) I was kept waiting for I-don't-know-how long with the "your call is important to us..." message played periodically which irritated me 'cos you don't keep important people waiting.

2) They kept on insisting, on both occasions that I must have pressed my router's reset button which is why my network is now unsecured. And that's totally impossible because on the first occasion, I didn't know that stupid button exists until the guy told me. On the second occasion, since I know that pressing that button will cause another problem, I was sure NOT to press it. No matter what I said, they refused to be convinced that I DID NOT press the stupid button and kept insisting that it was not possible. To be fair, the first guy was nice enough to offer some suggestions on how to troubleshoot before telling me to get help from the router's technical suport but the second guy told me simply to call my router's technical support.

3) And they're just trying to shirk responsibility. They had a recorded message that said something like if we're calling them for slow connection/no connection, try bypassing the router and see if the situation improves. If it does, then it's the router's problem, not theirs. They didn't say that la, but something to that effect.

Anyway, I obediently did as they said the first time, thinking it was my router's fault but still can't go online anyway.

The funniest thing is, they said that we can continue to hold or fax them our name and number at XXXXXXXX or EMAIL them at blahblah@blah.com.sg . That made me laugh. If we're calling the technical support department for help, whatever made them think that our email is working? How many of us have a fax machine in working conditions? Can't they set up some sms system so that we can message them our name and number instead?

I'm now a very unhappy girl.

23.5.07 4:50 PM

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what is love anyway?

Why must we select another person to love? Won't it be better to love yourself and yourself alone?

Who would throw a stone on their own feet? Why should we give another person the power to hurt us? Even though they say that when we love, we give the other person power to hurt us, knowing that they wouldn't. WHY TAKE THE BLOODY RISK?

The romantic in me is in a deep sleep. I don't know what else to say...

22.5.07 11:45 PM

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I'm depressed

I know I hardly look like it. But I am. Why? I don't know.

Everyday is just another boring routine of waking up, getting stuff done, eating, shitting and then sleeping again.

Happy people attract happy people while sad people attract sad people. And after a while of hanging out with happy people, happiness is the norm and vice versa. So if you want to be happy, start by looking happy. Then you'll attract all the happy people and hang out with them more often and think that happiness is the norm. Whatever it is, everything starts with YOU!

So if I want an exciting life, I might as well be exciting and stop moaning here.

21.5.07 10:29 PM

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May Hello Kitty and Dear Daniel live happily ever after...

May all princesses find their princes and live happily ever after...

All my insecurities are slowing finding their way back into my life. I don't know what happened to the secure, confident me. I think I'm just going to screw up my life. I really need to buck up and study. I need to pull myself together and stop being insecure.

19.5.07 7:43 PM

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today is not even my day...

15.5.07 10:33 PM

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Busy Weekend

Thurs: Wrecked my brains so I will pass the stupid theory test. Caused further wreckage when I went for some planning session.

Fri: ymm as usual, had to sleep cos I am by now in a semi coma state

0730- Awoken by my mum's loud screams
0800- Ready to accompany her to the market, I think it sounds auntie
0930- Back from the market, was trying to get some sleep but am too alert by now
1100- Jumped up cos I remembered I need directions to get to some ulu place in Hougang
1200- Gave up, no one could give me PROPER directions, figured we need to get lost once in a while. Got ready for my adventure
1300- Made my way to the ulu place in Hougang
1400- Arrived at Hougang, we tried walking there but walked in the wrong direction. Since the event starts at 2 pm, we cabbed there which cost us a grand total of $2.80 :p The funny thing is, we walked further than what the cab travelled. Oh wells...
1700- Event ended, had to choose between a birthday party or softball prac. We decided to go to the party, need to get the present. Was raining so we walked to the bus stop in the rain. Went to Hougang Mall, which was 1 stop away to get our present. Couldn't find anything, decided on another location
1830- Got the present, dilly dallied and finally made our way to the party
1930- Arrived at the party
2030- Left for another party
2330- Left for home
0000- Home sweet Home
0100- Bedtime

1100- Woke up in fright
1200- Aft a lot of dilly dallying, finally ready to go out
1220- In time for mass
1320- Soft ball time!
1500- Found out today is the actual competition, not prac lol
1st game was terrible, we lost badly, no one knows what is going on. We won in the end :)
1745- Left for mother's day celebration at home
1815- Arrived home, had my bath
1900- FINALLY left home
1930- Dinner time
2130- Home sweet home
2200- Finish my proj
2330- Proj done
2340- Blog writting time
2351- Done with blog

End of my busy weekend. Am hoping for a good night's rest but doubt I'll get any 'cos of this terrible spiltting headache of mine. Am trodding towards another busy week ahead. Probably explains why my blog's stagnant for so long. Someone PLEASE remind me about my damn FTT, I haven't studied yet, still got the good cheek to hope that I'll pass. Think I need a miracle, pray for one.

13.5.07 11:35 PM

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The day I wrote about her

My darling never demanded that I have to write about her in my blog, I just do it naturally cos she's such a big part of my life. Hahaha but today the one who loves coming in between us said something like, "see if you got write about me or not."
Read: "Write about me or else..."

So I wrote about you now, happy? :p

By now, everyone must be thinking that she's a horrible, demanding, mean old lady. No, she's not, she just likes coming between us, insisting that she's part of our twosome. :p

Age is catching up with me. Looking at the juniors going about happily reminds me of the time when I first stepped into that poly. I was so full of hope for the future and had the energy of pigs. I know pigs don't look that energetic but at least they can have sex 500 times a day!

Now all I do is moan and groan about the number of things I've to get done.

Now I fall asleeep at lectures and hope not to get caught by the mean old monstors. I hope I pass my exams. I can't help it, am too sleepy. Think my brains are overworked.

Driving is another one that takes up too much energy. Why can't we just sit at home and wait for the license to fall from the sky? Why must we use a few months of our lives to learn how to drive? WHY?!

Oh yea, you know how I used to go about saying that I'm Queen and everything? Being Queen is too boring and stifling. I wanna be a princess. But I don't want to be a normal princess, I wanna be CROWN princess, which means I pwn. :p


I will be Crown princess, LIKE IT OR NOT! MUAHAHAHAHA!

The ones who're sore about it will behead themselves and not taint my hands. I will never use a sword, for there is no need for one.

11.5.07 4:53 PM

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My birthday :)

It's probably age, this year I don't want to throw a big party. I want to give the people who bother to celebrate with me undivided attention. Thing about parties is this, no one really gets enough attention. You entertain the people who've just arrived and before long, leave them to entertain other people.

So this time, I'd rather meet people for meals. It's tiring and a little more troublesome but at least I get to enjoy everyone's company instead of laughing with everyone at a party and then wonder, "what happened?"

1. I had my face dunked into a cake, no prizes for guessing who had so much guts. :p

2. I had people coming to my rescue, be it wiping the cream off or chiding the dunker. I thought that was quite sweet

3. I had a cake with 19 candles, with my mum struggling to light all of it. I helped to light too. I thought the cake that I was dunked in tasted better.

4. My first cake was in Apr, by YMM which surprised me quite a bit 'cos I didn't even know it was my cake.

It seems to me that my 19th birthday was a lot better than my 18th. It actually felt like a birthday. The mastermind behind all this will get it. :p

6.5.07 2:43 PM

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It's the mating season!

Love is all around these days. I'm so happy for her 'cos she found someone she likes, even if it means dumping me for him.

Crushing on someone is a lovely feeling. The people around me probably have had enough of this theory 'cos I kept bombarding them with it. It's lovely because it's like window shopping, you've got no obligation to buy that piece of clothing you like. You can just stand there and like the clothing for what it is, imagining how good it'll look on you because the model wearing it looks lovely in it. Getting into a relationship is like making a decision to buy that piece of clothing. You've got to consider if it'll look good on you, if you can afford it, if you have space for it in your wardrobe etc...

That's stressful, and sometimes takes away that lovely feeling of loving someone because he is who he is.

And to the silly girl who believed me, I was only kidding la. There are boxes big enough to store a man in but you've got to find one silly enough to hide in a box for me! :p

To the people who're going huh: I joked about getting me a bf, tie a ribbon round his neck, put him inside a gift box and send him to my house for my b'day. She told me to find a box big enough for a guy and she'll do the rest.

Alternatively, I can hide myself in a box and see if the correct guy will come and save me!

I really really really hope she finds happiness, lots and lots of it! She said she'll find out when it's my turn and would be sure to laugh at me, tease me cos that's what I did. Muahahahahaha! TRY ME!

3.5.07 12:58 PM

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