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About the GrumpyQueen

A.K.A Gatekeeper

I love food, don't deprive me of it.

I'm not Princess, I'm Queen

I can be quite grumpy and when I am, I hide here, my dungeon for reflections, ramblings and ranting.

Whatever I write are opinions, and may not be the whole truth. Do not read it like the Gospel.

I hate as vehemently as I love
I already know I'm crazy, be my friend, it's safer

Different is not bad, just not the same as the rest

If you don't like me, it's probably mutual
But I'm nice, really :p

Blog started 21st June 2007, shifted from www.thegatekeeperstory.blogspot.com

If you wanna be linked, just tag ok?

Favourite posts

| How to revert back to old blogger template |
| Glitz and glamour |
| My lil goddaughter |
| 07/07/07 |
| Universe's theory |
| A senseless mess |
| Last class party pics |
| Rambling about stupid aunties |
| Last day of school pics |
| Last day of school pics |
| Tales of the SINGAPOREAN rojak |
| Killing cockroach with Sis I |
| Killing cockroach with Sis II |
| You know you're a Nurse when... |
| Thailand 2007 |
| Taiwan 2008 |

My old blog | My other blog | Anru |Bernard | Arianz | Cherryl | Candice | Christine | Darren |Emma | Fel | Lady Rose | Moose | Mable Bee | Oda | Princess Snow | Toe Queen | Yvonne |


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Please use my haloscan to comment on specific posts by clicking on the
"Speak your mind"
link at the end of each post.

For misc/random comments just tag on the latest post.

I'm just too sick and tired of a tagboard with a short term memory.

Thanks! :)


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October 2010

My driving adventure

Driving was okay today. Route 6 scared me half to death and I'm glad I'm still alive. I changed lanes like I'm eating rice, the cars as many as the stars. Right, but it was a blessing in disguise, because I miraculously changed gears more easily today. I don't swerve sharply into a lane, but I still don't check my blind spots and nearly scarred my instructor's precious baby.

I learnt how to squeeze my way into a lane, no one gave way to me, we had to squeeze in.

My instructor suggested repeating the route, first time was horrendous. 2nd time was better. Less scary.

I waited behind another learner driver who took ages to move off when the light turned green. I tapped my steering wheel, wondering why is he taking so long. I figured he must have been dreaming and waited even longer. I tapped harder but didn't horn 'cos I hate honking at others. I remembered how scary it was to be honked at. When he finally managed to move off, it was almost time for the light to turn amber.

"What was he doing ar? So long..."

"Like how you were last time lor...trying to get the biting point, cannot get. Remember?" My instructor reminded me casually.

Good thing I didn't horn. Because I met so many nice drivers who gave way to me, who didn't honk at me when my engine stalled, who very nicely inched their way into another lane when I straddled between 2. The bus drivers who gave way even when I'm crawling at a snail's pace and the passengers on the bus are probably cursing them for driving so slowly.

But I also met so many stupid lorry drivers who nearly crashed into me. My fault, but they're bigger and older, can they not scare me by honking so loudly? Can they not scare me by stopping so closely behind and tapping their horn when I take a few seconds more to move off?

And those irritating taxi drivers who just swerve into your lane. No signal, nothing. Grandfather's road or what? Then later got the good cheek to honk at you. Just because you can drive with your eyes closed after years on the road doesn't mean I can, after months on the road. They're so impatient, overtake me after being behind me for a few seconds. I was not even driving slowly. Overtake already, they realise it's the same in every lane, crawl back quietly into the original lane? Isn't that such a waste of adrenaline?

Oh yea, someone failed TP today. But I really pity him/her. My instructor said he has good driving techniques.

"Oh, the person in front taking test leh..." I chirped.

"Oh no..." My heart ached for him/her as the light turned amber, forcing the learner to stop in the yellow box."

"aiyah! So sad, I think he can pass one, only he did this mistake. Gone liao..."

If you dont know what am I talking about, refer to the picture below.

The fella went too fast, he should have slowed down so that he can stop in time, before the yellow box. So poor thing, stop in the yellow box, FAIL. Stop in the other lane, 6 points or 8 points, can't remember. Beat the traffic light, 8 or 10 points. Maybe he should have beat the traffic light, because I doubt he's got that many demerit points, he might pass that way.

Am really sad for that learner, I hope he/she passes the next time.

31.8.07 3:41 PM

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Driving and its paraphernalia

Paraphernalia reminds me of my lit text in Sec school. Reminds me of King of the castle, of Hooper and Kingshaw.

Been a long time since I wrote about my driving adventures. Am doing intensive driving lessons to make up for the lack of lessons during my exam period. Am slightly better these days, at least I managed to drive on my own for a few minutes while my instructor talked to another student on the phone. No one died.

Parking is terrible. In a desperate attempt to make me park properly, my instructor made me write out the steps for parallel parking. The car went in without much fuss. He said “你是死脑筋”You should have seen me before the instructions were written out. I took ages to park. I said it was so much more difficult then vertical parking, he said, "your book so thick..." ~makes gesture of a thick book~ "you also manage to remember everything, this one cannot remember?" I said, "you don't have to study everything in the thick book, you just need to know the important things." He said, "still, it's probably more difficult then this."

He's right la...maybe I'm just dumb, not cut out for driving.

I sometimes don't know how I'm going to pass. I change lanes by swerving sharply into it and not checking my blind spot. When I check the blind spots, I never manage to change in time so what's the point? I'm so scared I'd kill someone someday. I'm trying, really trying but I haven't got much time left until my TP. How?

I don't want to retake leh...I'd feel like a loser. I'd look at those who passed on that day and cry, curse myself for my bad luck. But deep down, I'd know that I failed because of my terrible driving not because of bad luck. What if I never even make it out of the circuit? Where to hide this face of mine? What if I do stupid things on that day? Endless possibilities, what am I going to do to pass my TP?

30.8.07 10:51 PM

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Glitz and Glamour

Glitz and glamour at clarke quay. FOUR HOURS!!! FIFTY PICS I didn't mean to take that many pics, I got addicted, sorry. So if a picture tells a thousand words, I've got 50 000 words, making this my longest blog entry. I'll let the pics do most of the talking, the rest will be done by my little friends.

She looks like those irritating housing/insurance agents...

Sell my house to this psycho?

Close up of my blog's main pic...

This is me after the make-up, doing hair
Looking quite mad...

Still quite mad...and loving it

Nisa doing her hair...

A proper smile at last...

The eye took something like 30 mins...
I thought it deserved a pic...

My hair slightly better without clips

Nisa's hair is looking better now


Nisa and her precious cam...

Me looking *ahem demure

My make up artist at the back

Hair almost complete

Completing soon...

Are we done yet?

Back view...without the crown yet

This hair-do is bloody hard to undo, I'd find out at home...
Patience is a virtue

Adding the glitter

Not princess but queen

The queen who waits for the photographer

Still waiting and bored...

So change of location...

Don't know what kind of face
Act cute? Stupid wrinkled prune

Got tired of waiting and cam-whoring so
disturb Nisa who's still doing her hair

The make-up artist and me

Nisa's back view

Waiting for Nisa's photo shoot

Waiting for her to be done...

Wanted to look demure

Heck! Just smile!

Queen and her darling

Pretty darling...

It says fall for me...
Darling and the make up artist

Us--madness at the MRT station

Normal shot

Glamourous psychos

Was trying to count her pimples, I think

Look into the camera!

Anything for you, darling

We saw our own reflections

I've never taken so many pics of myself in one day...If Nisa sends me the rest, I'll have more pics...
I probably took more pics in these 2 years than I ever did my whole life...
Hope you had fun with the pics and my blog's main pic is not in this post, 'cos I just want it that way. :p

28.8.07 10:49 PM

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Crapping partner's birthday

Less than 7 mins, I'll need to call and wish happy birthday! Remind me, little voices.

I'm so proud of myself! I settled 2 presents already, if everything goes according to plan which means I only need to avoid 1 friend. :p I hope the both of them like it, I can't do much with those little fellas bickering and with my low IQ.

Got Yvonne to declare that Candice's gift is limited edition. I just love limited edition things! So destroy it and got no more!

OKOK gtg make birthday call

Birthday call made, just woke the poor child up, what a perverted twit I am?!

But whatever, now I'm happy because I love wishing people happy birthday at the stroke of midnight. If I don't, I usually wake up in fright, type the message and then go back to bed.

27.8.07 11:52 PM

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I'm not going to make another friend who's birthday falls in the month of Aug or Sept. No, not another one, the ones that are already my friends, too bad for me, I love them too much to dump them.

Reason being, I cannot keep up with their presents. As of now, I've got 3 presents to shop for and I have NO IDEA WHAT TO BUY! I could buy them a meal, or 3 meals 'cos I can't possibly be so cheapskate as to gather all 3 of them and make them share a birthday celebration right? I could write them an entry wishing them a happy birthday and telling them how much they mean to me. But 2 of them share the same birthday and if I write it at the stroke of midnight on their birthdays, whose entry should come first? And not like they're great fans of my blog so they might not read it until days later, when I tell them too and it won't be fun anymore. :p

The people I write about never read my blog.

So how? I'm avoiding them now so I don't have to explain why I don't have a present yet. I...don't...have en...ough time is just such a lie. At least I should think of what to buy. How? I feel like a bad friend and those imaginary friends taunting me ain't making it any easier.

Ok, shut up ok? No one but real people reply. WHAT CAN I GET FOR MY 3 LOVELY FRIENDS?



Ok, so I finally managed to shut them up. I think one is even crying in the corner. So any real people with suggestions, please give me your comments.

1:42 PM

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Top of the world

Songs reflect a person's mood. Songs may affect the person's mood. This was the song that cheered me up on a Friday evening. The song that sang the exam blues away. So instead of the sad post that made me feel so uneasy it's even there, this song will take its place and bring more joy to me and those reading.

26.8.07 8:23 PM

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Aug Youth mass

I'm probably gonna sound like a Christian fanatic now. Youth mass was ok, I laughed/chuckled during the sermon, which is usually the best time to doze off if you're thinking of it.

Thing that made me laugh was that someone just asked Jesus a simple question and got bombarded with his theories. The priest did not say that, but something to that effect. I imagined the person must be running home to his mummy, saying "this guy mad one, ask him a question he scold me for what?"

Actually the point is not about the guy getting a scolding. Frankly, he really deserved it.

Anyway, I got distracted a little. Halfway through the sermon, my phone vibrated and it felt like I just produced a loud fart. The vibration really felt like a huge gust of air just came out of me and startled me a bit.

Oh yea, today we had to do some survey. They wanna know what a typical Catholic is like. I think whoever's looking at my survey must think I'm someone with multiple personality disorder. In certain sections, you see a well-put together Catholic and on some sections, a dysfunctional and confused one. But if they're not gonna look at the survey as a whole then it's not really such a problem. At least I won't be expecting people scurrying around, looking for this poor kid(me).

Oh, I forgot to add last night, I met a friend whom I haven't seen in a long while. Went on and on about so many things and only reached home at 1130. She said I'm looking more cheerful these days. Is it? I thought I looked more emo. Well, maybe cos I still talk non-stop. Maybe that's why I think I'd never like a guy who doesn't let me talk. Or one who doesn't know what I'm talking about. If he likes talking, maybe we should compete and see who says the first smart thing, forcing the other person to shut up.

I love talking rubbish, and when I can tell you rubbish, I probably would be able to churn out something smart. When one talks too much rubbish, you'll run out of rubbish to say and would come up with smart things to say. Do you think the same thing can be said for someone who continuously finds smart things to say?

I'm going to get controversial here so close the window if you don't like controversial views.

Yea, so back to my questionaire...

Regarding marital status, why don't they include options that say "I'm lesbian/gay." What about those people who're living together? Are they married or single? So what are these people supposed to tick? Are they supposed to run out of church and not complete the survey or raise their hand to clarify for all and sundry to know about what they do in the privacy of their own bedroom? Or maybe they thought gays and lesbians don't come to church. Or maybe, just maybe they wanna trap them, make them ask, identify them then force them back into the "normal" crowd?

Jesus loved tax collectors and prostitutes, even ate with them. Perhaps, it's time to learn how to love those who have supposedly "low morals." So what if one is supposedly happily married but is actually a secret gay prostitute? Hypocrisy is worse then leading a life different from the rest.

I stopped sharing deeply. I don't know how to react when people look at me with pity, when they look like they're going to call the shrink and get me admitted by sunset. I don't know how to tell them that different is not bad, just not the same. I don't know how to tell them that I still have morals, that I love God, I do the right things but I don't know what some people are doing in church. That I've almost become disillusioned with Catholics, not the Catholic faith. I don't know how to tell them that if I see more of such people around, it'll separate me from my faith. I don't want to think I'm one of them. I want to love him in my own way.

Oh, it's worse with our "friendlier" counterparts. The *ahem. They're so nice, warm and welcoming, it feels like a motivational workshop. Those you pay thousands of dollars to hear what you already know, play a few games, shout "I can do it" a few times, feel motivated only to come back to square one in a short time.

They say it's because they're filled with the spirit. Oh whatever, I don't see Jesus prancing around all the time. Yes, it's good to be happy, but it's abnormal to be happy ALL THE TIME, even pretending to be happy when you're seeing a lot of crap. Sadness is not a bad thing but a normal reaction. Thing about happiness is this, if you're genuinely happy it's contagious, otherwise, it's plain freaky.

They're unrealistically optimistic, do they actually believe what they're being told? Or do they secretly doubt it and beat themselves up for it? Do you think that by having "normal" and happy thoughts, you go to heaven? Do you think pagans go to hell? ALL of them? Even the good ones? Would a bad Christian (believer of christ) go to heaven? Who's to know anyway, since we're not God.

What is the right thing? Just doing as you're told? Believing what "the adults" say? Being part of the herd? Even if you're secretly envious of the rebel, you should go "tsk tsk tsk" just to gain acceptance? Do you think God cannot differentiate between a genuine thought and a "correct" thought but is smart enough to create the universe?

The herd syndrome. Where same is good.

25.8.07 11:25 PM

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How to turn a guy down

I just got sent this and I think it's hilarious. If you didn't think it was funny, you're probably a guy who got rejected this way and didn't know it was rejection until today. Why can't you be a guy who

1) Don't appreciate such jokes, but have never been rejected in the following ways
2) Got rejected in the following ways and knew it was rejection.

Because a guy who appreciates such jokes and tells them will not use them.

A guy smart enough to know it was rejection will be mature enough to accept it and move on. He'll also appreciate the woman's creativity despite his lack of creativity in coming up with a pick-up line.

HE: I'm a photographer I've been looking for a face like yours!
SHE: I'm a plastic surgeon. I've been looking for a face like yours!!

HE: May I have the pleasure of this dance?
SHE: No, I'd like to have some pleasure too!!!

HE: How did you get to be so beautiful?
SHE: I must have been given your share!!!

HE: Will you come out with me this Saturday?
SHE: Sorry! I'm having a headache this weekend!!!

HE: Go on, don't be shy. Ask me out!
SHE: Okay, get out!!!

HE: I think I could make you very happy
SHE: Why? Are you leaving?

HE: What would you say if I asked u to marry me?
SHE: Nothing. I can't talk and laugh at the same time!!!

HE: Can I have your name?
SHE: Why, don't you already have one?

HE: Shall we go and see a film?
SHE: I've already seen it!!!

HE: Do you think it was fate that brought us together?
SHE: Nah, it was plain bad luck!!!

HE: Where have you been all my life?
SHE: Hiding from you.

HE: Haven't I seen you someplace before?
SHE: Yes, thats why I don't go there anymore.

HE: Is this seat empty?
SHE: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down .

2:56 PM

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Comments page

Regal fever. It's what I call it. Look what I just did to my comments pop-up window. :p

And no, I'm not some severely deluded child in a sick world. I just like crowns and all things royal. What attracts me is the majestic aura that surrounds it, its exclusiveness.

No, I'm not a bimbo who goes goo-goo-gaa-gaa over some princessy looking thing. I'm not a bimbo, not now, not ever. In the first place, I don't want to be princess, I want to be Queen.

Princesses are swept off their feet by their knight in shining armour. Queens are a symbol of power and authority. No one can remain a princess forever. They have to grow up some day, assume responsibilty and great power.

Queens have become a symbol of my growing up. Of me assuming responsibility and trying to fit into the adult world.

A princess talks to her prince with adoring eyes. A queen talks to her king as an equal. They discuss serious matters about the country, at least in the old days. That's what I want to be, protected yet not helpless. Respected yet not lording over someone. Loved, not worshipped.

I'd rather grow up now then be forced to grow up. It's always easier making mistakes when you're younger, you know you've got decades to try to change for the better. Always easier to cry out in pain when you're a little girl. Big girls don't cry.

23.8.07 5:06 PM

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Exams over

The exams were a crazy time for me. Really deprived of sleep. Actually certain days I allowed myself the luxury of sleeping in, especially during the weekend. Sounds lazy but I need to make sure I last till today!

Lack of sleep causes one to act in an insane manner, even if one knows this is insane behaviour. Wanna know my adventure last night?

First, I wanted to give it my best since it'll be my LAST paper before I actually graduate. So I made plans to tahan as long as my body can take it, without caffine. In the end, I had no choice but to gulp a bottle of chicken essence. At 1 a.m. I told darling I'd be staying till last, very late, maybe even not sleep. She'd do the same too. A few minutes passed and I felt the room spin, for one moment, I didn't even know my name.

"That's it, you're getting sleep and waking up at 3 a.m. to study." I told myself.

Went to bed. Had a nice sleep, heard the alarm, intended to snooze but prob switched it off by mistake. Next thing I knew, good old Nisa called. Went to wash up, saw the clock, 5:30 a.m.
My reaction? hahaha! clock spoilt. When I started studying in the hall, saw the hall's clock 5:40 a.m. Reaction? hahaha! another one spoilt. ~makes mental note to ask mum to buy batteries~

Ok, by now, realise that I'm very drowsy. Why do you think I'm living in denial?

So, had to choice but to resort to coffee, my only cup for the whole of this exam period. If there's anything I'm proud of, it's this.

Coffee was probably invented by a student who couldn't stay up. Half a glass of it and I realised I was in deep shit. It's 5:45 a.m. , so much to do, haven't had my bath, paper at 8:30 a.m.

Calmly, really, I shocked myself by remaining so calm. So really calmly, I took my stuff and had my bath.

After the royal bath, I calmly selected what to wear. Took my books and started reading. By now, I'd half given up. What's in my brain is in, what's not in there is not there and won't be tested. :p

Anyway, went to the wrong zone, and when we were at the correct zone, sat on the wrong seats. But we are probably not so bad yet. One business student went to the health science part and insisted someone was sitting on her desk. :p

The dangerous part was, I was super high for the paper. I think I must have looked quite mad to any invigilator who saw my struggle to mask my laughter. Every little thing looked funny to me, even the questions I didn't know the answers to. I really tried not to laugh at the questions, the very last thing I want for this exam was to be barred from taking the paper for looking so mad. Yea, even the thought of me getting thrown out of the exam hall made me smile.

Then, I became paranoid. I saw two invigilators talking and laughing and wasted time trying to figure out what they're saying. At last, I felt they were laughing at us, maybe they're saying that there are tricks everywhere and everyone thinks it's easy and would fail.

What the hell am I trying to do? Waste time thinking rubbish? Crazy right? So went back and concentrated on the paper. I didn't dare look up anymore.

So anyway, went for a mini celebration with darling after the paper. We were in Little India. Was really assaulted by all sorts of sounds, smells and colours. Every little thing became magnified.

Moral of the story? Lack of sleep makes you crazy, caffine magnifies everything and makes you crazier. Don't do last minute work, I remind myself at the end of every exam. I promise myself not to do it again, I beg God to give me the energy I need to stay awake. "I promise not to do it again, help me this time ok?"

Last paper before I graduate. I never learn.

1:40 PM

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How rude!

Why are some people so rude? Have you ever seen someone come into your house and say, "hey your family portrait is ugly!"

Look, just as you can't tell someone how to decorate THEIR room, you do not tell them how to run a blog. THEIR blog, THEIR personal space.

Do you walk along the streets in your neighbourhood and say, "hahaha you're ugly!" Frankly, anyone who does that would look quite crazy and the good people from IMH will be after them in a matter of seconds.

Besides, if you do that, the "ugly" person will know how you look like and laugh back. People who're drowning always look for the person who's struggling to keep afloat. People who're inappropriately dressed pick on others more readily to try to fit in and seem normal. Fact of life, sorry if you can't accept.

Looks are subjective. To say that I'm ugly, you're admitting that you're uglier. I may be on the ugly list, but at least I'm not top of it, the one who told me I'm ugly topped it. And don't even get me started on why posting anonymously is a sign of cowardly behaviour...

And to whoever's reading YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!

I didn't even ban the person from my tagboard, which I could if I want to. What's the point? I know it's not some random blog surfer, this person probably made a purposeful attempt to tag my blog to say things they can't tell me in the face. If they want to give me the attention, I'll accept graciously.

And anyway, I think he/she was probably admiring my blog when he saw his reflection in the screen, which reminded him of his own ugliness and since no one was in front of him/her but his computer screen, he/she had no choice but to say I'm ugly to make him seem normal. It's ok, I forgive you. :p

"whatever it is.. i just hate euu.."
How dumb it is to hate someone without telling them. Getting absorbed in hatred, watching the one you hate get on with her life, unaffected by your silliness.

Person will be banned when I get tired of the attention.

21.8.07 6:04 PM

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Bad time for me

I managed to get the song that means to much to me, thanks to the lovely person who ended my search for me by sending it to me.

Sometimes, it's not the actions of our enemies that will hurt us, but the silence of a friend.

Loss is something I need to learn how to accept. I thought I learnt the lesson well, now it seems I've got a lot more of growing up to do.

The desperate hunt for the key that'll unlock many secrets. Perhaps we need to believe in fate, sometimes, the one not meant to find it will not find it even if were right under his nose. Yet, sometimes we need to believe in the will of Man, the one meant to find it may choose to close his eyes when he sees it.

20.8.07 2:55 PM

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The curse

Fondest childhood memories and painful adult experiences. This song is everywhere, striking where it hurts most. The laughter, sunny side ups and kindergarden. Catwalks and sing alongs. Losing friends, school bullies, the song's still there.

Like an old forgotten friend, it's by my side again. Although now a faint figure, it remains recognizable. Whatever your problem, someone has been there and bears the scars. When you bear the same scars, not even time can erode the bond. You'll look at the person, ignoring all the wrinkles and pigmentation and go, "you, it's you, I recognise you..."

It's by my side again, helping me. Only now it's helping me with more than just a scrapped knee.

Such is my relationship with the song. It'll be there, like a friend during my darkest hour to remind me of the happy times I had and the happy times that is to come. It'll be there during the sunniest days, a dark, haunting figure reminding me to make memories of happy moments to last through the loneliness.

19.8.07 12:32 AM

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Love is a constellation of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection or profound oneness.

Platonic love
A pure, spiritual affection, subsisting between persons of opposite sex, unmixed with carnal desires, and regarding the mind only and its excellences; -- a species of love for which Plato was a warm advocate.

Altruism and Love
In philosophy, the problem of love questions whether the desire to do good for another is based solely on the outward ability to love another person because the lover sees something (or someone) worth loving, or if a little self-interest is always present in the desire to do good for another.

18.8.07 3:11 PM

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I just got sent this

I just got sent this. Unlike the usual "Don't eat us, we have feelings too" campaigns by vegetarian fanatics.

Watch more videos at KentuckyFriedCruelty.com.

To me, this video is not about eating meat. It's about cruelty to animals. I'm a meat eater but an animal lover. To eat animals is one thing, we've been doing that since the beginning of time. One thing I'm sure of is this, our ancestors did not subject their animals to such torture.

Campaign not for going vegetarian but for being kind to animals if you're gonna eat them. I'm sure the chicken who's been given clean shelter, enough good food and water won't mind if we eat them.

How do I know they won't mind? Maybe the chickens are thinking "we're not born to be eaten!" How do I know? The same thing with dog owners. They willingly clean up after their dogs and spend tons of money on their barking friends. Are human beings born to clean up after dogs? We willingly clean up after them in exchange for companionship. So why can't we ensure humane treatment for animals in exchange for food?

14.8.07 12:47 PM

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Congrats to my lil sis for doing so well in her O level Chinese. A CL freak, she expresses herself well in Mandarin, at least better than me. I decided to bet with her, an A and bubble tea is on her, anything below that, it's on me. Hahaha! I WON THE BET!

I'm sick! Diarrhoea, fever yesterday. Now I think I'm gonna get a runny nose. I have no idea what's causing it. Too much chocs? Not cooking my steamboat properly? Over eating? Body removing toxins?

Goodness gracious, exams start on thurs, hopefully I won't have to do my paper in the toilet.

11:21 AM

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A meaningful quote

This came to mind today...

"Give me the serenity to accept what I can't change, the courage to change those I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

13.8.07 1:09 PM

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The gynae who delivered me

Random post. My mum showed me his picture. The first person who touched me. The gynae who delivered me. I think at the ripe old age of 55, he still can be considered as "drop dead gorgeous." If he's still young enough to deliver babies when I have mine, I'd definitely want him to deliver mine so that my baby would be greeted by a pretty sight when he/she is born.

And don't you think it's cool? To have the gynae who delivered you deliver your baby?

12.8.07 9:15 PM

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Because you believed

Because you believed, I'm standing here today. Shaky but still alive. Sometimes, it only takes one person to tell you that you're not rubbish and that you'll survive. I've had at least 3 such people in my life.

My grandma, despite hearing how stupid I can be can still believe I'd make it. No one would tell a kid whose been told she won't make it to PSLE to study hard. I mean, what's the point? Even if she studied her butt off, she's not gonna make it, so might as well stop now and wash plates.

Because of it, I never stopped believing in miracles. Not those like a cert dropping from the sky but how much a person can do if they put their heart and soul into it. But what I have today is not mine to boast of, not much anyway. It belongs to those who believed and gave me the confidence to chase what I thought was impossible.

When I was much older, someone encouraged me when I was down. I thought that it was all luck, perhaps now my luck is running out and now the world will know I'm rubbish for sure. He told me that I'd make it, that people can't say you're rubbish if you won't let them.

"People need your permission to make you feel that you're lousy. Give it all you've got because I believe you can make it, it's just a matter of whether you want it to happen or not."

The one I'm talking about might not see this but THANK YOU! The people who, in their own ways showed me they care, THANK YOU! I'm standing unsteadily but STILL standing.

11.8.07 8:51 PM

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Last day at school

Celebrating Joyce's 21st birthday at Mac... Oh yea, the pic of the present which has the scissors and pen-knife look like we're doing surgery or something right? Hahaha! That pic was taken right after the present was wrapped...

Today, it's also our last official school day... After this would be exams, holidays and attachments. No more lectures, tutorials and project work...

Last lesson...Everyone's so serious, I wish I've got pics of us turning the lab upside down and driving our lecturers nuts...

She said she looks like she's gonna sweep drains. I think drain sweepers are not so pretty.

This was taken secretly, because we were so bored. The lecturer found out and we had to stop...

I think also taken secretly...I look like am sitting on something but I'm not, prob just a sore butt

Our class mama giving a heartfelt speech after class. She's much older then us but looks so young and pretty right? Mum to a cute 3 year old girl and 26 big ones...

Christine and Karine's surprise to the class. These 2 have been inseparable since Year 1. Their trademark is confusing lecturers. Christine will say she's Karine and Karine will say she's Christine. Some lecturers never learn the truth...poor things

Ivy at the back...maybe trying to take a pic of Christine's hair... :p

Close up of the cupcakes. It's really cool, each one would get one with their name on it. Isn't it sweet?

Eswari's gift to me...It says "I miss you"

Fatimah and me...one of the sweetest person I've ever known. Somehow, she reminds me of Candice. But beneath her gentle demeanour lies a naughty sense of humour

Yana and me...if you look closely, you'll know why she's cool. :)

Yana and Darling Nisa. The rabbit ears behind Yana belongs to our lecturer. ~mock horror~ Hint: here, the reason why Yana is cool cannot be seen clearly.

The people who rock my world...

Sam and Nisa's cupcakes, happy together!

Sam's cupcake, standing alone...

Showing off our cupcakes...Nisa, Joyce, Angel and me

Joyce showing off mine and her cupcakes...looks kinda of wrong

Mama, me and our cupcakes...

Mama and Joyce with their cupcakes...

GrumpyQueen and LadyRose with their cupcakes. Blog fanatics and IMH partners in crime...

Angel and Sam

Darling and Me...

My CGH darling, gonna miss her when I go for attachments...

Es and Joyce...looks wrong

The 8 of us...nice formation right?

Joyce, Me, Ms Cheah, Es and Nisa...I think I look fat/pregnant

Our project group, it was really fun working with ya guys. A busy semester, we really rushed through our projects. The most taxing and memorable proj would be our video production. Love ya guys!

Joyce being herself, KS, me and Nisa.

Peiyi and Me

Peiyi and me again...

This is I don't know...mission schools unite? Nisa might not be too happy to see this pic. Lol Jud and me :p

Judith and Nisa...I think this pic was taken for revenge. :p

The path we've been walking for 2.5 years

The entrance, usually I walk too fast to realise the beauty of this place..

We were so bored waiting for Es so we decided to pose for pics...

Es said I don't care whether the cupcakes look cute/nice, just eat only la...

Nisa posing beside the sign

This is what happens when you're desperate to get to class on time, you climb over barriers

Yea, sometimes we're a lil scared and reluctant but we do it anyway...

I look quite mad like that eh?

Nisa looks mad too, that's why we're *ahem*

Usually, I'm rushing too much to notice the path. This means that I need another 3 mins or so to get to class. Would check the time here to make sure I can make it in time

Since we already look so mad climbing over barriers, we might as well attempt to snap pics of us jumping at the entrance. We must have scared quite a few people
Angel got cut off in the last pic, this is her and Es jumping away...

This is Su and KS jumping away...Joyce, Mama and KS saw a few people jumping away and decides to join in

This fella is so good at this kind of jumping pics I tell ya. I think he just won a prize...

All of us jumping/attempting to jump. After this pic, we had to leave because I think they were gonna call security if we kept jumping away. :p

Familiar sights, saddens me that I won't be looking at the whole pathway in the same way again...

Nisa and me on the way back...We're not mad, just sentimental

These 2 pics were taken a few weeks back during lunch, just got them from Es today

This blog post took me a grand total of 6 hours, which

includes editing pics. Prob the longest time I spent blogging
~makes mental note to update my friendster~

10.8.07 8:27 PM

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