A.K.A Gatekeeper
I love food, don't deprive me of it.
I'm not Princess, I'm Queen
I can be quite grumpy and when I am, I hide here, my dungeon for reflections, ramblings and ranting.
Whatever I write are opinions, and may not be the whole truth. Do not read it like the Gospel.
I hate as vehemently as I love
I already know I'm crazy, be my friend, it's safer
Different is not bad, just not the same as the rest
If you don't like me, it's probably mutual
But I'm nice, really :p
Blog started 21st June 2007, shifted from www.thegatekeeperstory.blogspot.com
If you wanna be linked, just tag ok?
Please use my haloscan to comment on specific posts by clicking on the
"Speak your mind"
link at the end of each post.
For misc/random comments just tag on the latest post.
I'm just too sick and tired of a tagboard with a short term memory.
Thanks! :)
The mic's there 'cos it's YMM time and we were supposed to be singing. Cherryl decided to wear Emma's jacket and while we're at it...OUR VERSION OF CHRIS ANGEL MINDFREAK! It's so funny, I decided to put it on her friendster. Hope she likes it. :p
Some long overdue pics from my gerontology posting...So we went to a day care center for the elderly for 2 days and they were gonna celebrate the birthdays of 3 elderly in a few weeks time. Since we were there, they got us to make birthday cards for them.
The outside of the card. Of course I didn't draw the cake! Let you all in on a secret, until today my drawing is still as good as a kindergarden kid's drawing. *runs away*
But I coloured and designed the card. I like the silvery things. "There are no lousy ingredients, just lousy cooks." Yes, we had limited materials but maybe we can only blame our own artistic skills. And you have no idea how much it took to produce a card of this standard!
Oh yea, did you know that you can toast your fries? Today I was feeling hungry and decided to fry some fries. So tried frying it in the deep fryer and half way through, it refused to work! I took it out and stared at the half cooked fries, soaked with oil. To throw it away is such a waste, to eat it, it's disgusting.
I looked at my oven toaster and decided to toast it. It still tastes the same as regular fries! It was only like maybe 20 strands of fries. Imagine if I put in more. Hahaha I would still be by the toaster toasting away!
Anyway, to all my Muslim friends, especially Darling...
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri