Hahaha I am gonna flood the post with my narcissistic pics. I have a confession to make. I think I've got narcissistic personality disorder. In other words, I love myself a bit too much. Almost half of the pics I've taken on this trip has my face in it.
Enough said. I think those who don't already know will know by the end of this post.

This is me before boarding the plane. I also used the free intenet thing to update my facebook status. I think people might curse me if they saw my update. Like what the hell is my problem? Wanna show off meh? But that's not my intention. I never used the free internet thing before and I just wanted to use it!
But each person can only use it for 15 mins. Like what can I do online for 15 mins? Blog also not enough! So visit facebook lor, update my status, 3 mins nia.
Thankfully, none of my friends were bad hearted enough to curse me. That's why I'm still alive. :p
The next free thing I wanna try is use the airport phone. Then I'd be satisfied.

See just a Changi airport and I can take so many pics. I have more but my sis looks ugly in them and won't allow me to post it. :(
China airlines. The plane I was about to board.
I think people very seldom take China airlines. 'Cos when I told my friends that I'm gonna be on China airlines, they looked at me with genuine concern and said, "YOU NOT SCARED THE PLANE FLY UNTIL HALFWAY *BISH* ONE WING COME OUT MEH?"
Scared la, but what to do? At most if I'm sitting at the wing part I prepare parachute for sky-diving. Say my prayers and hope my life is not THAT short.
So yup, me in the plane. The wings did not fly out. The pilot knows how to land and take off. They didn't lace my food with Meili luncheon meat. So good enough, all of you can take China airlines without much worry.

My sis says she looks like a caterpillar here. I think she looks more like some refugee.

Our first stop after we landed. Ah zong mian xian at 西门丁

It was so good to have one hot bowl of mian xian with smelly intestines to warm you up on a cold day. Temperature was about 14 degrees that night. This mian xian was a god-send, although it had smelly pig intestines but who cares?
I really felt like some poor beggar in those Chinese pugilist serials. Mainly 'cos the shop has no tables or chairs for you to sit. People just stand around and slurp from their bowls. And it was so cold that night, made me feel like the poor begger who sits around shivering, waiting for some kind soul to spare him a bowl of hot soup.
There you go...the famous ah zong mian xian

The second day. 自由广场
I look out of place in this black and white pic but I edit until no effects to use le...

I love my sis! See how I'm forcing her to let me kiss her... :p
It's called 自由广场
And I'm demonstrating what the name means... FREEDOM!
I honestly don't know much about this place, I only know I like the scenary. Good for taking pics.
This is still in the 自由广场 but different part now...
I really like this pic. So typical of my sis to squeeze her butt in my pic.

I look less out of place in this pic. Like a girl from communist china during the early 1800.
By now you're probably asking why do I have dark glasses in so many pics right? For one, it was really quite sunny. I'd be squinting without them. And second I had really terrible eyebags due to lack of sleep.
I was just snap-see-delete the whole time the tour guide was showing us around. People who are cam-whores should know what I mean. Nice ones keep, ugly ones delete so they don't take up space. And you don't wanna start deleting at the end of the day cos you might have too many to delete. No need to sleep meh? Ugly eyebags how to camwhore the next day?
My mum got so sick of my hogging the cam, snapping away that she offered to take a pic of me.
Someone suggested we take a pic together. Of course I would oblige! If anyone insults me for being such a camwhore, at least I've got a few of such group pics to shut them up. Hence, my disease is not that serious yet. The worse narcissts have like one camera dedicated for their camwhoring shots everywhere, toilet, restaurants, classrooms, everywhere la! Then they always offer to be in ALL group pics, always the most outstanding one la. Either their face is the biggest or they draw attention to themselves with all their funny faces.
*shakes head*
*tugs at hair*
*arranges hair*
Now where was I?
Ya lor, see? My disease is still not that serious yet, I still take pics of others! I think this is pretty funny. The way my sis is holding my mum is quite funny, as if she's afraid mum would fly away.

Next stop is some Chiang Kia Shek's memorial place. Again, I'm more interested in taking pics then anything else. Oh! This is the First Lady's (Chiang-Song Mei Ling) car.

Strangling my sis from behind. I love her la, she will always let me indulge in my funny fantasies, allowing me to strike the weirdest pose with her.

Start again lor...One stupid flower can entertain me for so long

These 2 shots were pretty rushed. The best of all. My family was threatening to leave me behind. They were already quite far ahead while I snapped away.

You can see my auntie in the background? She was making fun of me!
"Samantha 在和花拍照!"
I think she said that a bit too loudly, now the whole tour group probably knows about my camera fetish.

I was in the background instigating my sis to try to dig that fella's nose. But aiyah! She cannot reach la! I think they purposely did it this way cos they knew people like me will surely try to dig the nose or instigate the poser to dig it. Anyway, this whole thing's made of grass! Amazing right?

Hahahaha again my mum got sick of me hogging the cam she offered to take this shot for me. I knew she was just entertaining me 'cos I was excitedly going "how to pose? how to pose?" and she just went "anything la!" in a rushed tone.
But I think she's rushing me cos she wants a pic with me! :p

There! You see? She wants pics with me, many many pics! She wants to have her face plastered everywhere in my blog! Yay!
Ok. I'm deluded but so is she. As if my blog is so famous! Hahahaha Mummy even if you made it to my blog also no use! You can't be famous like that!
*slaps self*
What a thing to say about my mother?! MY MOTHER!

See? My sis only got one pic with her!
*struts around proudly*

Then my mother decides to let me take more pic and offers to take another pic of me.

And of us. I couldnt think of any more funny poses.

I wanted to climb up the gate in a Spiderman manner but I was afraid they would think I'm trying to steal something and might shoot me.
Or like sue me for destroying public property if the gate collapses because I'm too heavy.
'Hello! You get crushed to death your problem, who ask you to climb?! Don't destroy our gates can already! '
So I suppose that should do.
My cousin. Another one who loves taking pics of herself. :p
To my left, at the back of me is a statue of a crab.
I think only I am capable of taking such retarded pics.
It is WINTER! I took out my jacket cos otherwise all the pics would look the same. With that bloody jacket on. I didn't want anyone thinking I lived one one set of clothes and didn't bathe for 7 days ok?!

And told my sis to do the same. Hers is a worse case. She zips her green jacket all the way up, you can't see the T-shirt inside. And some more take so little pics! People see from day one to last day why all the same?!

While editing the pics I asked her why she looks so scared in this pic, like so scared she fall off the cliff like that.
"COLD LEH! You think what?"
Oh ya, this is some musuem where they display some treasures from the Forbidden City. But no photography inside, they're afraid the flash would spoil the shine of those jewels.
TOO BLOODY MUCH! The stupid guide nearly made me die by giving us a history lesson in the musuem.
I think he should have just let us take pics outside. The place had a fantastic view, better than locking us in that dark musuem to make us 'admire' those treasures. Then explain to us also cannot take pics? FOR WHAT?! Now if you ask me what I've seen/heard also dun remember le!
I nearly died. He just happily went from one room to another explaining the history of those treasures. I was nudging my sis going "China so many dynasties, tmr also cannot come out of here. "

The above 3 pics shows that NOTHING can stop me from taking pics. You don't give me enough time to take pics of the scenary? Rush me down to wait for the bus right? Never mind.
Hopeless case la...

Next stop for the day. 六福村
Again, cold like anything. I took out my jacket to show of my "outfit for the day."
Basically it's a place with the largest private Taiwanese zoo and it has a theme park as well.
The tigers are VERY smelly! I was gagging the whole time I was near the enclosure to snap these 2 pics.
I wonder how they shit, or how big is their shit. How much piss do they pass out everyday?
Do they dig a hole to do their business like all cats or do they just go:
*plonk* one lump of shit
*sheesh* One shot of urine. Never mind if the 'tree' they were aiming at is actually the zoo keeper.
How do they do it? Anyone seen it? Tell me leh! I've never seen a tiger do its business before!

Ya lor, see white tiger lor!


Stupid thing. I think they were asking us to say hello and the parrots SHOULD repeat after us.
I didn't want to look like a bloody idiot going "hello! Hello!" while waving my hands waiting for the parrot to respond so I don't know if these idiots can talk or not.

Orang Utans.
Do you think they know Ah meng?
LOL SG full of monkeys I don't take pics with them. Fly to taiwan to take pics of taiwanese monkeys. I must be mad.
Ok la, there's so many more animals la. Horse la, goat la, same la. Nothing much on the animal side.
THE FUN STUFFS WERE THE RIDES!It's not those lame pasar malam rides you get in escape theme park. The pirate ship really rocks you all the way up such as the boat is nearly vertical and you can see the whole theme park! To make it worse, we were all sitting on the second last row.
I tell you, sit pirate ship don't do those lame things like sit on those middle rows. Waste time only! Sit on the last few rows, the most thrilling seats.
Then sat on something that looks like a rollarcoaster. It doesn't do those turn you upside down rollarcoaster stunt but it is still quite scary. Look from outside like nothing, looks like some kiddy ride, some more so many kids playing. Hahahaha when I went on it, I was shouting for my mummy la!
No pics of the rides la. 'Cos the youngsters were the ones taking pics. Then when we went on the rides the parents kept our belongings and didn't snap pics of us because they were too busy trying to keep warm.

I didn't go on this ride. From the pic you can see that there's one short ramp and one long one. One boat can only take 2 people. there were 3 of us, no one wanted to be in a boat alone so no choice la, I volunteered to sit out.
Also good la, I'm not sure if my weak heart can take 2 shocks at one go.
Short ramp was steep and scary.
Long ramp was less steep but you're scared for a longer time.
My cousin was really scared my sister would fly out cos there were no safety bars or belts. I really shouldn't laugh at the situation but just imagine la! My sis flying up in the sky like a bird.
She's gonna kill me!
What if she thinks it's part of the ride?
I won't know to laugh or cry then.
*knocks head*
Why am I so mean ah?

The above pics were taken on some lame kiddy train ride. We were travelling in a dark tunnel all ready to be scared but nothing scary enough to fling the camera out of the train happened. So we just snapped pics. They turned out surprisingly well. To think I was just snapping and snapping without even looking where I was snapping!
Too dark la. Look also kua bo!

My sis, was trying to give her a peck but the cam didn't manage to capture that. If you look closely, you can still see my lips plastered to her cheek.

My all time favourite pose. I improved the pose so much during this hol. You'll see later.

Picking strawberries at the farm. My mother the farmer. NO ONE wanted to go down to pick cos it's too muddy between the rows of strawberries. My mum excitedly went down to pick and we were above laughing at her.

Our 'harvest'

We were all laughing at her for looking like a typical strawberry farmer when this was taken

In the end, bo pian have to go down. Else we'd have no pics :(

Me finally shedding my princess skin to become a strawberry farmer.

I make a good strawberry farmer eh?

Our next stop: a chinese temple, good for pictures too!

Oh ya, this pic was being taken secretly. I pretended to take the scenary of the place but actually wanted to take a pic of the baby. The woman, presumed to be the mother turned only at the last second. I think she knows I was gonna post this on here and wants to be famous too!
Look at her face is those kind that wants to be in evey tourist pic, better still can put her on every postcard so every tourist and all at home would see her face! LOL I am so mean...
Anyway, the point of this pic is to show you how fat and cute this baby is. My ideal child. If my child is skinny I'd force feed him, if he does not have rosy cheeks I'll pinch his cheeks until it's a nice and rosy colour.
I'm evil. Be very scared for my children...

Oh ya this is very important! You HAVE to go in by this door (dragon entrance)...
And leave by this door (tiger exit)...
Else for males your underwear/boxes will turn carnivorous and eat your balls up
For females you will drop a cup size every other day and no cosmetic surgery will save you 'cos your nipples will turn gangrene and drop off by the third day.
If you believe me, you really need to have your brain checked. I was kidding, too bored already la. It's just the custom. If you don't wanna follow that's your problem but I really don't know what's gonna happen.
Mum made me take a pic of this stupid ceiling. She thinks it's interesting...

My sis and me were crapping about this. This is for wishes right? Soe had 2 names on the tag, nothing more written. It is presumed that they're a couple and want blessings in their relationship. We just stood around there and joked that we would rub the name of either the boy or the girl to break them up.
Be very scared of us, we're meanies.
But most importantly, don't place all your hopes and trust in this kinda of things. Because there are always bo liao people like us who wanna try to sabotage things...

I told you I perfected the art of such jumping pics. 0507 did this kinda of jumping pics in front of NYP's main gate, attracting a lot of attention but it was not much use...
No one had a really nice jump except KS. His was really nice, go see my last day of school pics if you don't believe me.

Next stop le: Ali-shan
Very interesting bunch of people. Their dialect is a mixture of Malay and Hokkien, a little like our peranakans here.
It is said that their originated from M'sia or Indonesia. No one really knows for sure.
Very beautiful mountain with a lovely scenary.
Plenty of funny traditional cures there.
It is said that "anything that has four legs and is not a table, anything that has wings and is not a plane, the Chinese will eat."
I found that this is quite true especially in places like China and Taiwan. Eat deer penis la, deer foetus la. Aiyo! But they claim that it's not cruel to eat the deer's foetus to treat sinusitis and asthma. Because deers are captured alive by laying a trap for them to jump in. And the mummy deer would probbaly suffer a miscarriage anyway if she's gonna jump in. If she's not injured but has miscarried, the foetus is taken for medicinal purposes and she is freed.
How true this claim is, I really don't know.

Oh ya...found a church on top of that mountain. Amazing find considering that taiwan has VERY little Christians. A large majority are Buddhists or Taoists.

Next stop: Take boat le!
I like this pic as well. So typical of her to squeeze in my pic like that!

I think I was trying to seduce the boatman. Hoping that he'll let me operate the boat I guess?

Me and my cousin

He did let me operate the boat after all! Hey I was really driving ok? Not kaykay sit there then ask people take pic!
Actually not like that la...He asked people to come up and drive but not many people wanted to drive la. Maybe paiseh or what...

Next stop: Climb mountain to take pic
High like anything, nearly killed her majesty the grumpy queen. Panting like a dog by the time I reached the peak.
It's really bloody high, this is just like one third of the whole flight of stairs.

This is called one leg step 2 boat

The rabbit my best friend

The pig my other best friend

Us imitating the monkey

LOL dragon my other half

Me and a Siberian Husky.
He's so tame but you know why my sis doesn't have a pic with it?
The dog gave one loud bark and threatened to bite her when she approached it la! Was a classic! She was like feeling so betrayed that I tricked her about the dog's tame nature.
I didn't trick her lor! I have these pics as evidence that it is a tame dog, just that it prob doesn't like her much.

Stayed a hotel with access to the hot springs. SHIOK ah! I'm officially a fan of hot springs! But the pics taken at the hot springs were in swimsuit and I looked bloody fat in it! My blog, I decide what pics to post and I'll post only pics that don't make me look FAT

Taipei 101: Nothing to buy de...all branded stuff, got money can shop until drop, no money stand outside take pics suan le...you just look at my family's faces behind, all buay song buay song, you know there was nothing affordable and they're sad. :(

I was supposed to take pic with these shuai ge la! But halfway through they had the changing of guard ceremony and ignored me. It is a memorial hall for soldiers who died in war or policemen who died while on duty. (if anyone's interested)

So I just entertained myself with what I do best

While visiting some night markets I noticed how horrible public housing is in Taiwan. Black and rusty windows and dirty, grey coloured walls. I think it's about time we stop complaining that our flats are too small. That the new flats are useless cos it's built so close to each other; so close you can actually poke your neighbour's arse with your bamboo pole from your window...
Whatever it is, I think our public housing is still one of the best in the world.

We took their MRT as well.
How many of us ignore the "please give this seat to someone who needs it more than you" sign on trains? Or sit on those green seats meant for the handicapped and old people on buses? I know I do. But the Taiwanese seriously don't sit on those seats, as if got ghost like that. Whole train can be packed like mad and only these 2 seats are empty. Amazing eh?
They also DO NOT use the handicapped toilet no matter what. Unless they're handicapped or with a child. The first few days we just kept laughing at them calling them gong kia just cos they rather wait for another cubical. But after a while, people gave us uncomforable looks but it still didn't do much to me la. Who cares? As long as I get a clean and spacious toilet.
Hahahahaha this kind of people are the worst lot of all. Use handicapped toilet already still buay paiseh. Hey, but I give up my seats on public transport okay? I'm still not as cruel yet.
Ok, it's like 1 am now, I've spent a long time writing about this. Am a bit sick and tired of it by now. I hope all of you liked the pics and post. Got feel as if you went to Taiwan with me or not?
Han just corrected me, the 'husky' in my pic is not a husky but an Alaskan Malamute. Thanks for the correction.