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About the GrumpyQueen

A.K.A Gatekeeper

I love food, don't deprive me of it.

I'm not Princess, I'm Queen

I can be quite grumpy and when I am, I hide here, my dungeon for reflections, ramblings and ranting.

Whatever I write are opinions, and may not be the whole truth. Do not read it like the Gospel.

I hate as vehemently as I love
I already know I'm crazy, be my friend, it's safer

Different is not bad, just not the same as the rest

If you don't like me, it's probably mutual
But I'm nice, really :p

Blog started 21st June 2007, shifted from www.thegatekeeperstory.blogspot.com

If you wanna be linked, just tag ok?

Favourite posts

| How to revert back to old blogger template |
| Glitz and glamour |
| My lil goddaughter |
| 07/07/07 |
| Universe's theory |
| A senseless mess |
| Last class party pics |
| Rambling about stupid aunties |
| Last day of school pics |
| Last day of school pics |
| Tales of the SINGAPOREAN rojak |
| Killing cockroach with Sis I |
| Killing cockroach with Sis II |
| You know you're a Nurse when... |
| Thailand 2007 |
| Taiwan 2008 |

My old blog | My other blog | Anru |Bernard | Arianz | Cherryl | Candice | Christine | Darren |Emma | Fel | Lady Rose | Moose | Mable Bee | Oda | Princess Snow | Toe Queen | Yvonne |


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I'm just too sick and tired of a tagboard with a short term memory.

Thanks! :)


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I personally feel good looking people should not hook up with each other. Rather, they should hook up with mediocre looking people and spread their superior genes about. The same could be done for people with high IQ.

If we keep making good looking people breed with other good lookers, sooner or later, we'll only have very good lookers and very ugly people.

And I think we're made in such a way that good lookers are never attracted to each other. 'Cos I haven't seen 2 good lookers hook up like in the movies/hollywood. Maybe it's because good lookers are secretly jealous of each other or whatever other reason, I don't know.

I just keep noticing that the other half of a good looker is usually quite mediocre looking.

And this is quite random and has absolutely nothing to do with the good looking story above.

But I realised that I have enough food in my fridge to feed africa. I think this is a family thing. Among my extended family, our bank accounts can be almost empty but our fridge must always be bursting with food.

And my grandma, she loves forcing our visitors to eat. It's not "invite", it's "forcing."

OK, I totally forgot what I wanted to say before this random thought interrupted me.

So I figured, I should just shut my gap and go to bed.

30.8.08 1:01 AM

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let's fight for public armpit scratching!

I think we should do that.

Why shouldn't anyone be allowed to scratch their armpits openly? Why is scratching of armpits or even digging of noses considered shameful, to be done behind closed doors?

If it's itchy, scratch la.

If it's uncomfortable, dig la!

If we hide hide and do, it becomes ta shiok. Unless you dig/scratch already you just tuck into your food or offer your friend food without washing hands, now that's a different matter. Aside from that, we should allow such activities in public.

I never understood why docs hate reading through our notes when we dedicate at least 45 mins per shift to report writing. We nurses seem to make it our lives' mission to read through their sometimes illegible notes. We enjoy doing it and sometimes, there is this quiet smirk on the face of the fella who manages to decipher what the doc meant/wrote.

That said, I've got to say, the docs at my workplace have some of the best handwriting as compared to docs in other disciplines. It's not about having more time, it's about wanting to write legibly so people won't have to run after you asking what you wrote.

Got so fed up with reading their illegible handwriting sometimes, I wondered if they took a module in med school called "how to write illegibly."

Ok, my armpits just whispered to me and said they're sleepy, so is my big toe. I guess I better go. Good night, earthlings.

Basically, I just wrote a whole post about nothing. I'm so good la!

23.8.08 12:22 AM

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I'm really quite upset with some friends of mine. They might read it, they might not, I don't know whether I'm important enough for them to read my blog.

If I'm so important, perhaps you should have, at the very least informed me of a number change instead of coming out of the blue demanding to be let into my life. Why? If my life's not interesting enough for you to MAKE THE EFFORT to keep in contact, what made you decide it's interesting enough now?

Some people know me for the longest time and that doesn't mean you know me better then my current friends or old friends who bothered to keep in contact ok?

Because I changed, because of a decision I made 3 years ago, I'm no longer the same. Yes, I'm still sarcastic, I'm still mean, somethings just don't change.

But my thinking's changed and if you still insist on thinking that I'm still quite the same then I'm quite sorry for you. 'Cos I'm not.

When I'm trying to make a decision and you apply what you know about me from 3 years ago, then you're just gonna piss me off. Because I am not that girl anymore, and I don't know how to make decisions based on that girl's thinking anymore.

And I don't know how to tell you I'm not the same anymore.

Which is why I told a friend of mine...

"don't understand why people must invite one whole bunch of unimportant people and repeat their love story to a bunch of kaypohs"

Same thing with my career choice, I don't see the need to repeat the reasons behind my career choice over and over again to a bunch of random strangers. If you're a new friend, fair enough. If not, it's like you were not there at the wedding, now I already have kids with the guy and you're asking me where we went for our dates before we got married.

I'm not angry, just utterly disappointed. And it's got to be the least funniest post in a long time.

19.8.08 1:49 PM

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I have 483775 strands of leg hair

Gotcha there! Did you actually think I'd bother counting my leg hairs? I may be bored, but not THAT bored ok?

Anyway, this is a picture post. So shut up and pretend you like the pics.

Anyway, I managed to take don't know how many more shots but decided not to post so many cos...

1) My cup is camera shy

2) My cup said it doesn't look nice in those pics except these two so I only have permission to post these 2.

And just in case you thought I was lazing around instead of working, I was not k? My partner went for a break and I was the only one left in the ward, at 2 in the morning. Could only take pics so I stop imagining things. And well, at least, if there's someone who's not supposed to be there, standing behind me, at least I know la...

Anyway, went out with the girls today. These pics were from the MRT trip back. It's so ironic, 3 drivers, and still taking public transport...

The ones below are from Xue's phone which has a front camera. And I absolutely love her phone cos it makes me look quite good also.

K errrm...that's about it? You can now go and lament on the fact that I'm not deluded enough to go on snapping and snapping away. MRT leh, public place leh, take too many pics people might lock us up.

The two of them might get away with a warning, for me this xiao ding dong, they will surely lock me up and throw the keys away.

Random thought: Nothing makes me laugh harder then times when I'm being sarcastic and the other party liak bo kiu. Mean/sarcastic jokes are best left unexplained. The fun disappears when you explain yourself. :p

Good night, fellow earthlings.

12:04 AM

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If murder is not a crime...

I saw 2 mad people today on the way to work.

Mad person number 1: I just boarded the bus and there was no where to stand. I was just standing, leaning against something, minding my own business and listening to music. Then I noticed this mad fella number 1 staring at me. Gave him the do-I-know-you look and he just suddenly went, "I injured myself at work, haven't recovered yet," proceeded to show me his index finger with a pathetically small cut.

Ok, so I was in uniform but do I look that dedicated to you? What did he expect me to do, dig my bag and dress his pathetically small wound?! While I'm at it, should I also treat the others in the bus of their constipation, fever, cough, cold, diarrhea or whatever nonsensical problem you can think of? Geez...

Mad person number 2: He got on after mad person no. 1 alighted. Stood at the exit and all of a sudden began cursing at someone imaginary outside the bus, kept slapping his own forehead in the "ALAMAK!" manner. Basically just kept shouting vulgarities at this imaginary friend of his outside the bus, ignoring the stares from the other passengers.

The best part is, before he alighted, he went to the front to curse at the driver. Poor thing, if I were the driver I would have kicked him off the bus and just drive away. To think the driver just sat there quietly without a grumble...

If murder is not a crime, a lot of people will be killed...

Esp patients who're demanding, think they know it all yet don't know shit about anything at all and lastly, the bloody hypocrite irritating specimens who're so nice to you and pretend to appreciate your efforts yet go complain to the docs behind your back.

The best part is, complain never mind, they make up stories to get you into trouble, these manipulative twits! Pui!

16.8.08 2:45 AM

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Today before you think of saying an unkind word
Think of someone who can't speak

Before you complain about the taste of your food
Think of someone who has nothing to eat

Before you complain about your husband or wife
Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion

Today before you complain about life
Think of someone who went too early to heaven

Before you complain about your children
Think of someone who desires children but they're barren

Before you argue about your dirty house; someone didn't clean or sweep
Think of the people who are living in the streets

Before whining about the distance you drive
Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet

And when you are tired and complain about your job
Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had your job

But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another
Remember that not one of us are without sin and we all answer to one maker

And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down
Put a smile on your face and thank God you're alive and still around

Life is a gift Live it... Enjoy it... Celebrate it... And fulfill it.
And while you are at it give love to someone today

Love someone with what you do and the words you say
Love is not meant to be kept locked inside of us and hidden

So give it away "Give Love to someone today!"

12.8.08 10:21 PM

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I really felt like quitting today

I really felt like walking out today. Just fling the files and walk out. It's not one person, or one dramatic incident that made me feel this way but a series of insignificant even that contributed to this...this I don't know what to call it.

A colleague/friend of mine once compared medicine (the medical profession) to an abusive relationship. When I read through the poem, I could see where she's coming from but I thought, "no, I'm so happy here, I won't ever feel this way."

Today, I not only saw her point but felt the slap across my face. Frankly, it still stings, even after another friend tried to cheer me up.

Indeed, it's like an abusive spouse. You think he's a wonderful person, a great husband, a doting father and the next thing you know, a slap across your cheek and you finally wake up.

I'm so tired.

Sometimes when next-of-kins come with their funny requests and everything comes at the same time, I feel like holding up a gun shouting, "F*** off everyone! F*** off!"

Ignorance is not a crime. Stupidity and arrogance is the lethal combination.

We have this button to press to let people into the ward. So basically, anyone that wants to come in has to press a bell and wait till we press the button to let them in.

Anyone know how fucking irritating these doors are? And how disruptive they are? When you're trying to get something done, someone goes "ding dong" and your whole train of thoughts is chopped up.

And the stupid phones, why can't they STOP RINGING FOR ONCE?! And no one calls you, wants your attention when you're just sitting around. They all call or ask for attention when you're so busy you're trying to think of how to clone yourself.

And lastly, according to Murphy's law...

"If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong. Corollary: If there is a worse time for something to go wrong, it will happen then."

I cannot help but agree.

9:16 PM

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Here's a nurses' rant

And yes, I chose to be one. But I can still rant anyway. Just like you can choose to gorge yourself silly and complain about how fat you are.

The doctors in my ward were complaining on nurses day that they docs do not have a day. I checked and realised it's on the 30th of March. I guess we don't celebrate it much 'cos docs are respected pretty much everywhere, especially in the Asian context.

I'm not saying it's easy being one or that they have no difficulties or problems. I'm just saying they're being respected a lot more than the nurses.

One good example is this; I've met so many families who're too scared to ask their surgeons questions. I never get their logic. When the docs are there, taking consent and ever ready to answer whatever questions you have about the procedure, no one has any questions. When they finally leave, the questions come flooding in. They look around, grab a nurse, any nurse and ask away, without even realising that she's not in charge and won't know a thing.

Do they even realise that there is a reason why the doctor is the one taking the consent, not the nurse? Because the doctor is the one doing the procedure, because you're supposed to ask the doctor questions, because they are the ones making decisions regarding the treatment plan, not the nurse, damn it!

Then you tell them nicely you're not in charge and don't know about the case, they give you the "how come you don't know" look. Wanna ask, at least find out who is in charge and ask la!

It's like them walking into a phone shop, grabbing the first salesperson they see and asking "you know last week I came with my Ah Boy, he wanted that red don't-know-what-model phone, where is it ah?"

What is this?!

A loved one is in hospital and you allow them to do whatever they want to your loved one without getting info about what is going on. It's like allowing the contractor to build a house according to his fancy, not yours.

When a relative of mine is in hospital, I'll be damn sure to research on their illness and think of questions to ask the doctor. It's not that I don't have faith in our healthcare system. But knowing what's going on is my way of staying sane. And I did this even before joining nursing!

I don't understand why some people let respect/fear of doctors get in the way of making a really informed choice. The doctor may offer you a treatment plan but unless you read up and research, that's the only way you'll go because you're not aware of the other alternatives that may be as effective, if not more.

I wanted to go on, but something random came to mind. I think the lighting in fitting rooms are super nice! Makes me look nice in them. Now I know why people like taking pics in fitting rooms.

Excluding my retarded looking stoned face, this is actually quite a good pic.

Oh ya, I remembered my original train of thoughts. I think, the best nurses' day gift to us is an extra day off which can be 'redeemed' say anytime in August.

In case you forget, nurses are human beings who get tired. And don't believe anyone who says that we're overpaid. We do crazy amounts of work day in, day out, 24/7 and still people demand, still people think we're very free.

Do you know why relatives make so many demands of nurses? Because they're not the patient, the patient knows how busy the nurse is because they're watching us all the time. The relatives only come during visiting hours, when all the action is over and when the other shift is coming in to take over so all they see is one bunch of nurses crowding around the counter doing nothing but talking.

I'm not saying they're (patients) very happy waiting for us to go help them to the loo when they have a bladder that's so full it might burst anytime. I'm just saying, they probably understand better.

The thing about nurses is this. People can complain about us all the time but very few nurses actually stand up to defend the profession. All we do is swallow it and continue working.

But just because the accused is not defending herself doesn't justify the accusations

I wonder how long it'll take before nurses, especially Singaporean nurses will stand up for themselves. I wonder how long it'll take before we realise we're professionals, not overpaid maids. I wonder how long it'll take before before the public can tell a difference between a maid and a nurse. We're nurses, medical professionals, not your maids.

Oh well, but it'll take a long time I suppose. If they can't tell a difference between a bookstore and a playground, a bookstore keeper and a babysitter...

People don't appreciate the little, yet important parts of society. For example, the bus drivers, the maids, the garbage collectors and the healthcare workers.

These people are transparent until something goes horribly wrong...

3.8.08 11:32 PM

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Happy nurses' day!

Actually it's quite belated, since nurses' day is actually on the 1st of Aug.

Anyway, a friend messaged me this which I really like.

"Being a nurse is not about grades.
It's about who we are.

No book can teach you how to cry with a patient.
No class can tell you how to tell a family member that their family member is dead or is dying.
A nurse is not about the pills, the IV's and the charting. It's about being able to love people at their weakest moments and being able to forgive them for all their wrongs and make a difference in their lives.

No one can make you a nurse.

You just are! Happy nurses' day."

And while I'm on the subject. These are some pics from a roadshow I was involved in a few weeks back.

Us having fun on stage eh?

I love this pic a lot. Shuai!
Because I very seldom take such pics, most of my pics nua nua de.

1:23 AM

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