A.K.A Gatekeeper
I love food, don't deprive me of it.
I'm not Princess, I'm Queen
I can be quite grumpy and when I am, I hide here, my dungeon for reflections, ramblings and ranting.
Whatever I write are opinions, and may not be the whole truth. Do not read it like the Gospel.
I hate as vehemently as I love
I already know I'm crazy, be my friend, it's safer
Different is not bad, just not the same as the rest
If you don't like me, it's probably mutual
But I'm nice, really :p
Blog started 21st June 2007, shifted from www.thegatekeeperstory.blogspot.com
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I'm just too sick and tired of a tagboard with a short term memory.
Thanks! :)
I'm seriously very pissed with this sick child. Who in their right mind will message a total stranger in the middle of the night asking for some fun?! Wanna have fun, go geylang, you imbecile!
This is not the first time. I've been receiving his stupid "can i call you?" messages at odd hours of the night. Call me for what? I don't know you, I've never seen you, never had a decent conversation with you, why must I talk to you? What should we talk about? I've been ignoring it, if hp can block messages, he's the first on my block list.
With an email, I tracked down this stupid fella's friendster account and found that he's not only sick but has a gf. I HATE it when guys flirt around while in a relationship because it just shows how much he values the girl. If flirting harmlessly with the salesgirl is toeing the line, then sending such a message to a stranger in the middle of the night is just crossing it.
His gf is quite sweet looking, and he is just plain ugly. I don't really like judging people on looks unless they have a sucky character. For him, he's ugly from inside out.
I realised he messages F too, and prob a lot of other people we don't know about. That shows how exciting his life must be eh? So free right? Can just sit and message people day in. day out while having a full time gf.
You know what's the best part is? He has VERY short arms and it makes him look comical. I didn't notice it until WS pointed it out to me, all along I thought I was semi-blind because seriously makes him look not quite proportional.
Don't believe WS? Look at the pic below...
And yes, he offended the GrumpyQueen, stirring her from her slumber. So he must be jailed with 10 ninjas as guards. Would only be released when I'm happy, which is probably never because when I'm happy, got a lot of other things to do and by the time I'm done with them, I'd be too tired or unhappy to do anything else. :p
See? He tried fighting the ninjas with his lame gongfu moves. Please...
And who the hell would put a passport picture as their friendster's main pic?! Do you know how it scared me? I mean, it looks like an obituary pic and not like it's very nice...It simply amplifies all his faults I tell ya.
If you're a potential two timer, make sure you're good looking so you can justify that you're trying to spread your handsome as well as two timing genes around. Then, I can give you 2 kicks instead of 3. If you're ugly with a pretty gf, you deserve 3 kicks. One on behalf of the gf, one for the other girl (if she's an innocent party) and the last for not knowing your place.
I've been meaning to blog about this but felt mean. I usually don't do mean things if no one steps on my toes. WS said to find out if he's disabled because it's mean to make fun of the diabled. :p
Don't call him disabled, it's an insult to them.
For me, it's not a crime to be ugly. Anyway, beauty is very subjective. He's ugly to me for displaying ugly traits, not for being physically ugly.
I hope those reading are still with me. It proves you have a strong heart and do not die of fright that easily.
My crapping partner likes telling me this, "hell knows no fury like a woman's scorn." How I agree with this. Hell knows no fury like this woman's scorn.
I feel so much better blabbering it all out. Thanks for reading. :)
Accusations make you realise that you can't please everybody and can't make everybody like you. Death makes us realise that we should live and let live and not take things so seriously. Misunderstandings will teach us the importance of non-verbal communication and the lethality of tale bearers.
I never get office politics. How will hypocrisy help you in work life? If you don't like someone, shouldn't we just iron things out there and then instead of carrying tales. We can't like everybody, why must we pretend we do? I'm not saying that we should turn our workplaces into war zones with shouting matches but can we not dislike someone openly while remaining civil? Be civil, not hypocrite. Bombard rather than sabotage. Staying out of politics is harder than waiting for gold to drop from the sky.
One of my favourite songs from the movie. Last breath nearly made me cry. Do I see a trend for Hokkien songs soon? It's funny you know, considering how many young people can speak dialect these days.