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About the GrumpyQueen

A.K.A Gatekeeper

I love food, don't deprive me of it.

I'm not Princess, I'm Queen

I can be quite grumpy and when I am, I hide here, my dungeon for reflections, ramblings and ranting.

Whatever I write are opinions, and may not be the whole truth. Do not read it like the Gospel.

I hate as vehemently as I love
I already know I'm crazy, be my friend, it's safer

Different is not bad, just not the same as the rest

If you don't like me, it's probably mutual
But I'm nice, really :p

Blog started 21st June 2007, shifted from www.thegatekeeperstory.blogspot.com

If you wanna be linked, just tag ok?

Favourite posts

| How to revert back to old blogger template |
| Glitz and glamour |
| My lil goddaughter |
| 07/07/07 |
| Universe's theory |
| A senseless mess |
| Last class party pics |
| Rambling about stupid aunties |
| Last day of school pics |
| Last day of school pics |
| Tales of the SINGAPOREAN rojak |
| Killing cockroach with Sis I |
| Killing cockroach with Sis II |
| You know you're a Nurse when... |
| Thailand 2007 |
| Taiwan 2008 |

My old blog | My other blog | Anru |Bernard | Arianz | Cherryl | Candice | Christine | Darren |Emma | Fel | Lady Rose | Moose | Mable Bee | Oda | Princess Snow | Toe Queen | Yvonne |


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I'm just too sick and tired of a tagboard with a short term memory.

Thanks! :)


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The deranged queen set free for 2 days

Oh, thank heavens, the weekend!

You know I think some people can't tell the time and deserve to be barred from using a phone. Bloody hell, someone called me at 04:48 AM to go "hello, hello?"

I went, "yea?"

"Hello, hello?"


"Hello, hello?"

Either she only knows how to say hello, hello or she's too in love with my sexy, sleepy voice. Muahahahaha!

What the hell la, at least call and tell me to go toilet also not bad. Because when it was time to wake up, nearly one hour later, I did feel the urge to go toilet!

Thank her lucky stars I was too sleepy to think. 'Cos if I were not, I would have gone nuts and called back, again and again, waking the whole entire household up, 'cos she used a house number.

I still don't get it, which decent, normal person would get up at 4 plus in the morning to call people? Maybe she was about to elope with her Bangala worker boyfriend and when I picked up, she must have been so heartbroken, thinking the Bangala must have forgotten about her and got a new girl(me).

Enough of stupid people who can't read the time. Remind me to talk about an ugly fisherwoman the next time.

30.11.07 6:11 PM

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The shit ward!

No the stupid ward is not stuffed with shit, I mean the staff seem to be made of shit, with the exception of the few miserable ones.

I came home yesterday, feeling miserable and just tempted to walk away from it all. Like hide under a tree and hope the apple would fall on me and kill me. Thanks to all who replied to my forwarded message and made my day! To reward all these lovely people, I shall post a pic of how I looked at the end of my shift yesterday!

I don't know, I think the best thing that came out of my shift was the waves on my hair. 'Cos I had to bun my hair right? Yea, this was the result of 8 hours of bunning.

And what's the point of this pic? Oh yea, I wanted to say I probably lost weight because I can't see my double chin now. A lot of my pics are rejected because I can't stand that bloody double chin! Good or bad? You tell me la! How much more fats do I have to lose?

So I was supposed to talk about that shit ward right? Yea, besides the goblin who happily blames students for all the wrong doings in the ward, claiming we're not doing our duty. Oh?! So we don't do our duty? Then what's your staff doing? Ahh! Perhaps allowing mishaps to happen IS THEIR DUTY? FUCK YOU LA! Obviously I have to bite my tongue everytime I face her, I just hope one day I won't bite it off.

Then there are stupid people who don't know how to delegate work. Delegate to all the wrong people. Just because we're supposed to know how to do everything, from junior to SN's work DOESN'T MEAN we're pao ka liao ok? Hello? We're human, not here to work like dogs/slaves ok?!


"Oh, how are you all gonna supervise your juniors if you're not familiar with their work?"

Shit you la, how are we gonna remain employed if we don't know OUR work? Supervising people may be important but if you don't know your work, you think people will listen to you? You think you have the chance to supervise people? Can't even cover your own backside wanna watch people. Talk shit.

But for the sake of passing, for our well deserved holiday, we have to work like slaves, do what our slave drivers tell us.

Oh yea, another patient passed away today. It's a no brainer really, he probably starved to death. Not us, I don't know what the family's thinking. It may have something to do with religion, or their own warped reasoning, who the hell knows? Or maybe by the time they came to their senses, it was too late.


We understand your plight, we understand you had to fast for god knows how long and must be starving by the time the procedure ends and could swallow a cow but please don't swallow us ok? We understand but we can't change things.

Yes, it's not your fault you had to fast. But it's not our fault, nor is it the doctor's fault either! Fine! Don't fast la, the go under general anaesthesia and choke on your own secretions! See which kills you faster, the illness, the hunger or choking on your own saliva.

My goodness, I could go on and on about the stupidity of so many people...

Trust me, if SG had guns, a lot of people would be dead by now.


Why can't people mean what they say, say what they mean?

I deserve to be a cavewoman, where you just kill people you don't like and have them for dinner. Well, at least you'll know for sure if you're liked or not! It's better then eyeing on someone's fortune then killing them and denying it!

29.11.07 6:22 PM

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Highly anxious people

Have you tried talking to people who uses the "it's an emergency" kinda of tone even when it's not?

Wah, it drives me nuts I tell ya! You kinda of get a headache and your heart beats like crazy after talking to them. It's probably because your adrenaline's running like mad all the time you're with them. Some even have high voices so your ear drums hurt as well.


And I'm becoming random these days. I don't know, it could be because I'm required to make connections at work that I yearn for disjointed talk off duty.

And I just realised I put my PDL into the wash...now it's a nice ball of useless scrap. Thanks ah! I need to renew the stupid thing again. *stabs self*

26.11.07 11:44 PM

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From Xue's blog

The Window Shopper

Random Gentle Love Dreamer (RGLD)

The Window Shopper

Loving, hopeful, open. Likely to carry on an romance from afar. You are The Window Shopper.

You take love as opportunities come, which can lead to a high-anxiety, but high-flying romantic life. You're a genuinely sweet person, not saccharine at all, so it's likely that the relationships you have had and will have will be happy ones. You've had a fair amount of love experience for your age, and there'll be much more to come.

Part of why we know this is that, of all female types, you are the most prone to sudden, ferocious crushes. Your results indicate that you're especially capable of obsessing over a guy you just met. Obviously, passion like this makes for an intense existence. It can also make for soul-destroying letdowns.

Your ideal match is someone who'll love you back with equal fire, and someone you've grown to love slowly. A self-involved or pessimistic man is especially bad. Though you're drawn to them, avoid artists at all costs.

Always avoid: The Hornivore (RBSM)

Consider: The Gentleman (DGLM), The Loverboy (RGLM), The Boy Next Door (RGLD)

Link: The Online Dating Persona Test @ OkCupid - free online dating.

I got the same results as her, except I don't think I have "sudden, ferocious crushes. " And yea, I think I like artistically inclined people, 'cos I'm a lover for the arts anyway.

But you know what they say about artists? They're rich only after they die. Oh well, that leaves me with a dying artist then make him will all his royalties to me after he's dead. Muahahahaha! I'LL BE RICH! RICH!

But really, I was joking. I like them for their weird ways and mood swings. I seem to be drawn to tempremental people. I like predictability in the midst of unpredictability. Hmmm...like the only thing you can be sure of is that they would be unpredictable.

*groans* It's gonna be Monday soon. I wanna be a gypsie. Gypsies don't work normal jobs....

25.11.07 9:49 PM

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The goblin

It's the weekend! Every Monday I look forward to Friday. Friday I look forward to the end of shift. Morning shift I tell myself I can end the day early, go back and sleep like a pig. Afternoon shift I tell myself I get to sleep in. How optimistic right? :p

I've been meaning to write about this but I keep forgetting. Anyway, I believe I've met a real life goblin!

The first time I saw her, she just reminded me of a chipmunk and a goblin. Simply because she acts like a chipmunk and looks like a goblin. She chomps down her food like a famished chipmunk while chattering away with food still in her mouth. Even during very normal circumstances, she has to jabber away like the place is on fire.

Is it just me or does she look perpetually deranged and scared? I managed to find a pic of a goblin with her hairstyle. I think the photographer got his inspiration from her...

Product of chipmunk+goblin! I am NOT kidding! Her hairstyle really looks something like this gobmunk!

And why/how did this cute chipmunk fall for the green thing in the first picture? How did such a scary thing(gobmunk in the second pic) come out of this cutie?

People like her should work in A&E, really. Where she'll be stimulated constantly and allowed to be as hyped-up as a mad hamster on a wheel. No, no, no. It's not that I hate the A&E staff so much that I wanna dump them such a scary gobmunk. In fact, I feel that if she goes there, they can clear up work faster and win the Most Efficient A&E award in the whole of SG. Isn't that good?

Oh no, maybe she WAS from there, until they decided to kick her out because she made all the patients suffer another heart attack with her kan chiong spider demeanour. And those mad patients probably became worse, they started running around the place, destroying things, beating up the policemen and releasing all the prisoners. Yea, so she caused so much trouble she got kicked out...

*yawns* lazy Saturday afternoon...

I think my sis makes a good sales promoter. I, on the other hand HATE selling things. Heck! I even hate going to work. I just wanna laze around, eat and sleep. I know this sounds like a potential tai tai and I don't even like mahjong!

They must have their own worries la, being wives of big businessmen, they constantly worry if some young chick is out to hook their balding and fat businessmen husband. I'm not saying all businessmen are fat and balding with young chicks after them, it's just the general stereotype okay? I mean who knows right? Some may be young and handsome with fat and ugly aunties after them! Muahahahaha!

Ok! Whatever! I somehow feel a woman should be able to earn her own keep. In any case, it makes the guy look good. If she's earning a salary and he's still provides for her, it's because he wants to, not because he has to. And he'll look like he's smart enough not to get a whining parasite for a wife. This is not a snub at the present housewives but the future housewives because I think girls today whine too much it becomes irritating. Why, even I whine sometimes.

*makes mental note to not whine*

But I'm sure I'm not half as irritating as those whiney brats because I don't really like whining, I like ranting. People who whine like to put up that act cute face while pretending that everything is just so perfect because their boyfriend got them that cute soft toy. They absolutely have little or no opinion of their own and care a lot about their stupid rebonded hair and cute toys. Why, they even speak so softly you have to "HUH?!" so many times and they'll look like they're about to burst into tears because you're too loud.

People who rant are irritating too because they're half deaf, talk too loudly and basically don't like just about everybody but their friends and fellow ranters.

*makes note to self: to talk about that irritating whiner I absolutely can't stand another day*

24.11.07 1:13 PM

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Emo-ing away

Please don't be mad at me for spoiling your day. I'm PMS-ing again. Emo-ing away and what's more, a patient passed away today. Not like I'm very close to him but I still get affected. It's funny though, how I never get so close to dying patients. It's almost like a sensor in me that detects the Angel of death and prevents me from getting too close/emotionally involved with the patient.

For 2 years, the Angel of death would only come when I'm off duty, so I've never seen someone die. Surprising, but true. When it can't be avoided, I made a sensor to sense the Angel of death.

After a grand total of 3 weeks in a geron ward, trust me, I'm getting better at predicting deaths. I used to wonder how some nurses or doctors "just know it." It's the intuition you develop after seeing so many people die.

Death is not frightening at all. Today, as I looked at the deceased, I kept thinking what would it feel like when it's my turn. What will it feel like when I'm gasping for air, knowing my time's gonna be up soon. What will it feel like when my soul is standing at the bedside, looking at people cleaning my body up. Would I miss the world? Would I miss the sights and sounds, would I miss being alive?

I feel so drained, why am I even carrying on but yet I wanna go on. Ironic eh?

Men are probably the most selfish creatures in the world, which is why they're not mothers. They wanna do things their way, when they're depressed, they just STOP living. They sleep and sleep and wouldn't even attempt to chuff food down their throats. Oh, they don't even care that there are people who'd worry. Why should I care? I'm in such shit! FINE! Roll about in shit then, rot away!

NS is prob there to attempt to change these men for the better. They learn that there are other people around them and how to ensure their safety and the safety of others. They learn that if you throw shit up in the air, it may come down and hit you with a loud splat and you'll end up getting whacked because your shit just splattered on the people around you as well.

Not everyone can tolerate having splatters of shit on them without making a sound.

So yea, a pity some of these people can't remember such a simple theory and choose to live as they please.

I sometimes wish I can give them a hand by throwing them off the building. But if he wanted to die, why choose to starve to death? Dumbass. You won't starve in a hospital, we won't let you. If it's a cry for attention, face it. The people who care would be here by now. If they're not here, they don't care. So just eat your food, grow strong and fat and sit on them, crush them to death when you're better. I wish I could tell them these, but if I did, hahahahaha I would be thrown off the building without hesitation and my corpse would be severely disfigured and torn apart.

21.11.07 8:48 PM

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Mindless Rambles

There's this mad fishball mee lady at my place. It's a new stall, was trying to get some food since I was starving.

I placed my order as usual and she took out 2 miserable fishballs and started cooking them. Then she went on to explain to me why did she do that, so that the fishballs won't get hard. Errm ok? Just give me my fishball mee and I am not interested in how you make them. After a long day, the very last thing I wanna do is make conversation with a stranger.

Or maybe she was just slightly guilty, maybe she caught me checking out her dirty stall. The pails used had disgusting black stuff at the side. She was probably trying to convince me that she's a good stall owner. The funny thing was that the certificate that certified her cleaniness was placed in a prominent spot. I kept looking at it thinking, 'if this is clean, what is not?' She must have thought I was from the ministry of environment or something, 'cos I kept glancing at the dirty utensils and the license.

Or maybe she knows how particular I am about fishballs. But I am not particular about how you cook it, I'm particular about it being handmade or factory made. I cannot stand the sight of those plump factory made fishballs. Can you imagine chuffing the whole thing into your mouth and feeling it fill your mouth? The fishballs that are factory made have no character so when I find one owner who handmakes his, I stick to him for a long time.

Attachments are fine, just that people think too much of me eh? I am a scatterbrain, please do not learn from me! I'm being irritated half to death I feel like biting someone! I'm like grinding my teeth imagining the person's flesh in between them. I'm mad. I should shut up.

*shuts up*

20.11.07 9:07 PM

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Friendster the bitch!

Yea, it's throwing tantrums again and won't let me upload my newly edited pics. BITCH!

Yea, I know I should be cool and like focus on facebook cos it's like the newest toy in town but I'm not someone who gives up the old for new. I cherish ties. :p

So anyway, I made this using Picasa and I'm so proud of it! It's pretty easy to use and one of my best work so far. A few clicks and viola!

I know this proves beyond reasonable doubt that I'm just too in love with myself. :p

Aren't you all just so happy to see me so alive and well, looking errm remotely radiant and in the pink of health? 1 week down fellas! Perhaps I should take pics every week to see how I've changed.

This one was taken today, to show off one of my retro dresses from Thailand. I was trying to get the retro feel. Can't really get it from this pic though, but this is like the best 'feel.' Tell me what you think! Of the dress and the pic!

Oh yea, and the bulge below my waist is not a baby bulge! Neither is it there cos I'm fat. Not pregnant and fat, fluffed the dress up a bit cos of the belt.

There are 2 things I'll never ever want to become. Pimply and fat. I've been both before and never want it to happen again. Period.

If one day someone comes up to me and says, "hey you're fat!" I'll scream, and just start exercising like a mad hyperactive hamster on its wheel 24/7.

But I'm not so mad yet as to examine every pore for black or white heads yet la. A few here and there won't kill me just yet. But if one big one pops out, I stare at it day and night, wishing it away. You start this anxiety laced ritual where you imagine the worst scenarios. What if the pimple doesn't disappear? What if it becomes like part of your face, like a body part blah blah blah...

The woes of a girl, guys always have it easier.

18.11.07 10:26 PM

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Aunties at a coffeeshop

If you've been to a coffee shop on a bright, early Saturday morning, you'll know what I mean...

5-7 middle aged ladies taking up one table, plucking vegetables, sharing one cup of coffee between them, gossiping like there's no tommorrow.

Women are social beings, we need people to be around us wherever we go, even need people around while we're doing something as mundane as plucking vegetables. I wonder why don't we get company when we're plucking armpit hairs! Oh wait, people actually drag their friends along when they do waxing, IPL so yea...

No, I'm not irritated with women getting company when they're trying to do something as scary as getting rid of armpit hair. Just imagine, how emotional is that. Dealing with those unwanted hairs cry to let them live...

"Oh please, don't kill us please! We...we're good, we'll grow to be nice, thick, strong and black, just like the hair on your head. Someday, you could rebond us and we'll be soft and smooth, please..."

See? Can you see how useful girl friends are now? You can actually turn to them, if those unwanted armpit hair suggests something as ridiculous as rebonding them to ask if it's possible and like you know, ask for company...

No, that's a bit ridiculous but I didn't want to admit that I was scared of hot wax being poured on any part of me, with the hair being cruelly ripped out, leaving my skin sore so I'd be one of those who could do with some company.


Or rather, why can't they like sit at the void decks instead of the coffeeshops? If delinquents can hang out there and make so much noise late into the night, I don't see why won't they hang out there and wake us all up on a bright, early saturday morning with their incessant chatter.

I mean if they do that and wake her majesty, the grumpy queen up...*evil laugh*

But I doubt they'll talk too loudly, what if the person they're gossipping about hears them?

The void deck is a good place to gossip because you can even save on the 80 cents coffee that entitles you to hog the table for as long as the coffee remains unfinished.

Besides, you can free up spaces and not be a public nuisance, so why not? Imagine la, if your child is like the coolest kid around and his/her friends see you hogging the table at the coffee shop, then how? But yea, maybe the friend won't tell your cool kid they saw their mother at a coffeeshop on a Saturday morning...just not cool to be up so early.

But yea, the point is they get to save 80 CENTS! And maybe like buy one more packet of chye sim with that 80 cents?

Maybe they think it's very funny, plucking vegetables while catching up with their auntie friends. Please! It's not funny when someone, already born grumpy has to wake up at an ungodly hour like 8 am on a Saturday morning after slogging like a dog from Monday to Friday and tries to find seats to have a proper breakfast and sees the whole gang of aunties glued to the chairs and don't look like they're gonna budge! I feel like shouting at them or just giving them a free rebonding session when I yank at their curly maggie mee hair!

It's also not very funny when the coffee shop owner loses business because you're hogging a table that could bring in about $10 per hour and paying only 80 cents for 3 hours or so...

If they raise the coffee prices anymore, I'm gonna blame the aunties for it! I don't see NYP charging 80 cents for a cup of coffee that tastes exactly the same as what they sell in the coffeeshops. Maybe it's because we don't have auntie table hoggers in school.

*huffs and puffs away*

WOMEN! I'm sick of men, I'm sick of women. I wonder why am I not sick of myself...I wonder how I sometimes rant about things I'm guilty of. Who doesn't hog tables? Which girl doesn't ask for company now and then? I contradict myself, sometimes, I suspect 2 people live in me...

17.11.07 6:37 PM

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Why won't men bathe?!

Huh?! Tell me please, why are they so dirty and just love sleeping and lazing around while their body is as sticky as muah chee?

Muah chee=a type of sticky food with peanuts sprinkled on it, typically found in pasar malams.

I just don't get it you know! Yes, they're ill but not too ill to bathe and eat right? No, not even bathing them would help. THEY JUST FRIGGIN REFUSE LIFT THEIR BUTTS FROM THE BED TO GO FOR A BATH! I don't know, who do men like? Maybe if I got busty Fiona Xie to come and volunteer to bathe them they would budge?

Every single day, the moment I step in, there's just this funny smell. Of unbathed bodies, of sweat. With females you seldom get this problem. They usually bug you to bathe them. Everyone bathes and is nice and clean, smelling of soap and powder while the nurses look like they need a bath themselves. But never mind, at least they bathe...

I simply don't get their psychology. Why do they live in denial? Why don't they just accept and move on? It'll save them and us a lot of headache and suffering. But no, they just close up and I don't know, maybe just hope they'll fade into smelliness and cease to exist? Like if you're too dirty, smelly and unkempt, you just don't deserve to be here and the universe will suck you into a black hole...

One doctor was pretty funny. He remarked that the patient looks quite unkempt 'cos he was unshaven. So? This fella has not been eating for 3 whole days, do you think he has the mood to ask someone to shave him? What can we do? What do you want us to do? Drag him to the toilet to bathe? Shove food down his throat? And trust me, looking unkempt is not quite uncommon.

But to be fair, there are some clean males around. I'm not talking about those young punks, I'm talking about those lao uncles. Of course la, young punks have to make sure they're clean, else which girl would date a guy that smells like a foot? But these are still far and few between. A rare breed. Enough said.

I've been eating chee cheong fun for tea these days. I'm just amused with the sesame seeds that they put in. How they seem to disappear in my big mouth. I like to see them cut it into small pieces, put the sauce in, then sprinkle the seeds. Blah, maybe I should just be a chee cheong fun seller.

I sometimes enjoy brainless work. But brainless work require brute strength and the ability to work like a dog. Besides, people who use brute strength don't get paid a lot, well maybe if you threaten to knock out the front teeth of your boss...

TGIF. Minus PH, sat and sun etc...I still have something like 50 days? That's not too many. Less than 2 months. Life is good, don't worry.

15.11.07 10:37 PM

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Day 2

It's not hellish thus far, thank God! Been doing normal routine stuff so I don't feel that much heat yet.

I seriously think that C class wards tend to have unfriendly staff. I don't blame them la, being overworked and all. But seriously, try not to put pregnant people in C class wards. I think the minute they're pregnant, transfer them out and only return them when they're mentally more stable.

I'm not saying pregnant women are so hormonal they have hormones oozing out of their ears and so unstable they need to be locked up. I'm saying the hormones plus the demanding nature of their jobs make pregnant nurses more prone to outbursts of anger. Therefore, they should either be transferred to a less demanding environment or to an environment where everyone will give in to them like their husbands.

Seriously! Sometimes, a small little thing and they look like they're gonna throw a fit! They're not even resorting to emotional blackmail, they're just acting like some tyrant! HELLO?! Your beloved husband must give in to you because he's afraid you'd castrate him while he's asleep then kill yourself with the baby, hence smashing his dreams of passing his superior genes on but not us ok?

*whispers* But actually, if they're smart enough, they'd just castrate the husband and go for an abortion then go find someone with better genes. But most pregnant women seem to become dumber and more bad tempered during pregnancy so I doubt they'll even think of that in the fit of anger and cloud of stupidity.

They're just so petty and grumpy you just don't feel like being in their presence a second longer. Maybe their tummy is in the way during sex so they're sexually unsatisfied, who knows right? Or maybe they're just jealous of our small tummy.

All the pictures about expectant mothers glowing with maternal happiness are all BULLSHIT! I always thought this maternal happiness thing is contagious and can spread to mere strangers but no! They look like raging bulls half the time and have smoke coming out from their noses. But who won't act like a raging bull when they don't get enough sleep because the tummy is pressing on the diaphragm, leaving them breathless half the time right?

*rolls eyes* Sweet young girls should not be deluded any longer. It may be a sweet feeling at times to go, "oh lalalala! I have a life inside me" but most of the time pregnancy/motherhood is about sacrifice and lots and lots of suffering. Not getting enough sleep, forcing your body to work extra hard to feed that bloodsucker inside you, eating for two, dealing with those crap hormones...


I sometimes wish I can get a baby from the supermarket. I'd love motherhood, not pregnancy. But motherhood is like the butterfly and pregnancy the caterpillar. If you love butterflies, you need to learn how to love a caterpiller.

Maybe they were such sweet angels before pregnancy but why are they like monsters now? Hahaha! I'm such a monster and tyrant now I better not get pregnant! Or maybe I might be less of a tyrant once I get pregnant. Or maybe I would be just the same so it makes no diff? We'll see...

Oh my God! I'm going off topic. I was supposed to talk about my attachment, not pregnancy.

Ok, never mind. I think I forgot what I intended to say so I should just shut up.

13.11.07 5:04 PM

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Back from Thailand

It was a disastrous yet fruitful trip. Fruitful cos I bought so many retro stuff, so pretty, I like them! The last time I went, I just grabbed whatever's in sight, ended up with so many different styles and stuff I haven't used till today. Thankfully, most were in basic colours and easy to match patterns.

Oh yea, I fell in my hotel toilet! I was trying to sit in the tub when I slipped, fell and hit my rib cage against the bathtub. OUCH! Then I had to figure out how to move myself to a comfortable position without aggravating the injury or causing myself more pain.

And as I lay there, unable to shout out because it hurts too badly, I seriously thought I was going to die. I was just scaring myself with all the scary thoughts, thinking about my new clothes, how I'm never gonna get a chance to wear them, about how pathetic it is to die naked, in a bathtub, in some foreign land. Maybe they're gonna cremate me, maybe they're gonna bring my body home. If they bring my body home, what will they dress me in? Will I be in the cargo compartment of the plane or in the cabin?

Lest you think I'm some bimbo, no I'm not. I thought deeply about life too. If you knew you were gonna to die in 1 minute, what is one thing you'll want to know? I already know what I wanna know and I'm determined to find the answer to it.

And I lived without toner and a comb for 4 days! Toner cos it was in a bottle larger then 500 mls and the custom officer had to chuck it. Comb cos I took it out of the bag to comb my hair minutes before leaving and did not put it back.

This time, I didn't emo much 'cos I only saw 2 beggers. I suspect they might have been killed off because they made me emo the last time. :p Or maybe they just got richer thanks to my mindless shopping the last time and stopped begging. Muahahaha!

No la, seriously, I think we were prob staying in the more high class place this time 'cos the hotel was surrounded by high class shopping centers and the rooms had no windows. The designer is just so sick, who the hell designs a room to deprive the occupants of a view?! No matter how ugly the outside is, at least it's better then staring at the wallpaper! Thank goodness I was only in it when it was time for bed, else I would have gone crazy.

I still couldn't bear to waste food there. I kept chuffing food down my throat, telling myself that there are so many poor people around. Slimming theories went out of the window, since the hotel had so little window, okay, door!

The thai shopkeepers are generally nice, despite being offered ridiculous prices by shrewd tourists like us trying to save a few baht here and here. But there is one, who I think deserves to be poor. It was close to closing time when we spotted the shop with pretty shoes at low prices. We went in, tried on a few pairs and asked for our size. The shop owner, without looking at the model just went "no size, only one pair."

Ok FINE! It may have been the last pair for this shoe but what about the other designs? There were at least 5 pairs in front of us! ALL OF THEM LAST PAIR MEH?! Our taste so good is it? I mean they may not have the size we want but surely there must be other sizes right? Cannot be all last pair right?

Then I spotted a pair I liked in a corner. It must be their stock corner la, I dashed across the shop to grab it. The shopkeeper at that corner SHOUTED at me! She told me to go to the shelf if I was gonna see the design.

1) Most of the shoes on the shelf do not fit me.
2) That particular pair looked like it was in my size

So, I decided to be nice and explain to her that I wanna try this pair for the size but she kept insisting that I try the one on the shelf. Fine! Maybe it was in my size too so I made my way to the shelf and tried it on. TOO BLOODY SMALL!

I turned to her looking quite angry and said, "too small, I want that pair, I wanna try the size!" Then, she grudgingly gave me that pair. Wah! I wanna buy shoe must see your face colour is it? Thankfully, the shoe was too big for me else I would be forced to make a difficult decision. To not buy it because she pissed me off or to swallow my pride and just get it.

After a while, I got pissed off and joined my dad and sis outside the shop. At last, they drove my mum out by telling her "Madam, closing!" because she was still happily choosing away.

So even though they had cheap and pretty shoes, I still think they do not deserve to prosper. If I had my way, I won't send those cockroaches to India anymore but to their shop! I mean, they could have nicely told us it was closing time and we would have left! No need to use such despicable methods to drive us out right?! Or they could have pulled the shutters down a little and just let us buy till our hearts content right? 3 girls, 2 of them with a fetish for shoes. If only they knew how many pairs of shoes we could grab at one go...

Oh yea, and on the flight home, I was half expecting to go into those tunnel like thing that connects to the airplane but no! We got ushered to some tour bus which drove for something like 5 mins around a few planes. At last, it stopped at the plane we were supposed to board and we had to climb up into the plane! Sounds so budget airline right? But we were flying on Thai Airways, which is NOT a damn budget airline!

I would have understood if we were on some other airlines belonging to other country, maybe the enemy of Thailand if she has one but this is Thailand and we're flying their airline! How can they give such a pathetic boarding gate to their own airline? Last year, we took a Swiss airline and they didn't make us crawl our way up to the plane with our baggage and all!

And parked alongside our airplane were other airplanes belonging to other airlines. So I figured maybe they didn't like the pilot, maybe the pilot stupidly went and parked in the wrong place which is impossible cos then they would tell us to just go to another gate, not the original one. Or maybe the pilot's retiring soon and wants to learn how to park at different places for the fun of it. Or maybe they thought it was a good experience for us to stare at the plane in the face, because we're gonna depend on it to reach home safely after all. Maybe they wanted us to check for dead birds in the engine?

But at least they didn't make us load our own luggages in the cargo compartment, else I would jab the idiot who dares to make that suggestion with AIDs blood!

I thought the thought of someone who's late for his/her flight scrambling up the steps with their hand luggage is quite hilarious. It didn't happen la, else I would have laughed so hard, I'd roll down the steps and break my neck.

So anyway, am tired. Off to bed with a sore rib.

11.11.07 9:54 PM

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Leaving on a jet plane!

*Woot!* Would be back in time to start my hellish attachments on Monday. :(

Guess what we found? A big, fat and black cockroach living blissfully in our midst. And the stupid cockroach had the guts to hide on this pair of dark coloured shorts, scaring my sister half to death when she tried to move it away unknowingly.

There was another time, a cockroach planted itself on the back of my chair, which was black. When I wanted to shift the chair, I saw this extra bump that was not there before. I went closer to the chair and when I saw those long feelers moving, can you imagine my fright? My hand was just inches away from that creature!!!

We think all cockroaches should be made in neon colours before they're allowed to live. Because hardly anyone would have furnitures with neon colours anyway. They should be given wings that can't fly and walk like a tortise. Then they can live till 120 for all I care. Either that or pack these cockroaches back to India where they belong. Let them starve! These useless pests!

And we were trying to move our luggages out of that room then close the door and leave it to starve to death. All this while the stupid cockroach didn't move, how tricky and cunning. Can you imagine? When I'm like old, half blind and lame, what am I gonna do when these cunning things try to camoulflage themselves? I might die of fright or while trying to make an escape! Horrible murderers!

I thought it was probably a normal one and was coming up with ways to kill it when it showed me its evil wings. You evil little thing! You're in MY house and eating MY food, how dare you threaten me like that!

Now I dare not open the room door. What if the cockroach flies in my face? When we leave, the cockroach can't find a way out of the house then what? It's gonna stay with us forever?! *disgusted look*

On a brighter note, I think my sister and me make good 007 partners. One keeps a look out, the other takes the things out. One sprays at the disgusting creature while retreating and the other slams the door shut. The person closer to the cockroach will scream if it does anything funny, the other follows suit and leads the way out to safety. *victory pose*

I must marry someone who can kill cockroaches and lizards!

Either that or I make sure I toughen up and kill the ones that cross my path.

Cockroach/lizard in a quivering voice: Pul..ease don't k..ill me..
Me: Hahahaha too late, you disgusting child, meet your maker!

*slashes them beyond recognition*
PS: if the cockroach/lizard's found to be pregnant, an abortion will be done before the slaughter, free of charge, no questions asked. No painkillers of course, we're on a tight budget. We don't run a charity ok?!

Or if she'd bring me to that horny bastard who impregnated her, I might just cut off the cockroach's feelers, spray paint it bright pink and let it live so it can be laughed at by fellow cockroaches. At last, it'll die a shameful, lonely and depressing death! But if it doesn't die and has the good fortune of meeting me again, I might deep fry it alive and sell it to China. Classic Romeo and Juliet story, only played by cockroaches.

Lizards I'll throw in hot oil until it's golden brown. A delicacy for the kitties.

If I ruled the world, cockroaches and lizards would commit suicide ASAP. But lizards have it easier cos they're not half as cunning anyway.

6.11.07 7:42 PM

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Ranting about myself

Stop wallowing in misery, imbecile! You sad child, go swallow a shoe or something! Laugh and tell everyone it's ok! Stop going around in that sour face, as if the world owes you a living!!!


Can't you see? Everyone has a sad life, it's their misfortune they have to listen to you while struggling with their own problems. Why don't you just cheer yourself up like everyone else?

Stop blasting away, everyone's half deaf with all that shouting.

Stop picking on innocent little shopkeepers/passerbys/idiotic assholes who don't know better. They don't have a problem, you do.

Why are there so many stupid people around? Errrm...maybe cos you're the only stupid one? You're the abnormal one for Pete's sake! Stop saying everyone is stupid, mad or just plain retarded. Even if they are, that's called "normal." You're the ^%%^(^* sore thumb!

Go! Go wallow in self pity now. Go and feel pathetic and feel like even you pick on yourself. Yea, even you can't stand youself! *salutes self*

BETTER! I figured I should rant about myself as well. I know it sounds mad. Hopefully, I'll see the light soon, hopefully I'll find my way out of the dark soon.

5.11.07 7:50 PM

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Mad with CDC

CDC=Comfort driving centre.

And why?

Because I think they're a bunch of lazy idiots who make the traffic police IT department look like incompetant fools.

Today I went down to renew my PDL as well as book my test date. Turns out my instructor did the booking for me and I only needed to print a receipt. So that leaves me with renewing of the PDL right? Went upstairs and pressed for a number. Turns out there were like 20 people before me. Not figuratively, really about 20 people.

And so I went to the counter to confirm if I can renew my PDL here, because the last time I did it at SingPost. The staff told me the system's down. And this is like the third time in 1 year I'm hearing it!

The first time I tried making my first PDL, told me it was down and asked that I come back another day. Fine, I'd rushed down for nothing. Had to make another trip down on a weekday after school.

Second time was after I failed my first FTT. Again, I made a special trip down on a Saturday because I was too busy on weekdays. Again, they told me the system was down and to do the booking online. Fine.

This is the third time. The first time they told me I thought it was a bit suspicious. Traffic police leh! The one who issues us the license that's like recognised worldwide! So particular about passing people and they can't even hire competant IT professionals to man their site?! But such things happen, even with the best IT professionals in the world. I let it go after some grumblings. The second time I was really considering writing the TP a letter to tell them to get a better IT professional. But after I get my license, what if they blackmark me and refuse to let me pass forever?

And this third time, you know what I found out? They're doing it ON PURPOSE! 'Cos my instructor called and asked if I'd printed the receipt. I said yea and grumbled to him, told him about the system going down.

"I think it's not down, they just too busy, don't wanna do it for you."

I was fuming mad! How irresponsible of them to make me make extra trips for fun! I would let go if it happened like once so far but thrice is just too much! Do you think I've got nothing better to do? My life does not just revolve around driving and stupid CDC ok? You realise that we got school/work too? That you just wasted 3 bus trips for me? I don't have a friggin license yet which is why I'm even a customer at this ulu center! Because if I can drive, it's just a few turns before I reach CDC, very convenient. But when you don't drive, getting there is quite a ride. Not like CDC is a 1 min walk away from an MRT station!

Ok fine! I realise that I've got to depend on this stupid center until I get the damn license. But I still have the right to complain because I'm paying for their salary! YES!

And what do I think they should do? Honestly tell me that they're very busy and if it's possible, try to wait for my turn, get me to go to SingPost or come back another day. If they'd done that, maybe they would have gotten a few pissed off looks but the average person with some common sense can scan across the room and tell that it's gonna take a while and I might not even get my turn before the closing time. I'm sure I wouldn't shout at them for telling me that they're too busy and if they offered me an alternative.

Besides, I would learn that Sat are bad days to get stuff done and try to come on weekdays instead. It's better then making me feel like some unlucky child who brings the system down everytime she wants to get things done!

Instead, they cheated me and if I were not in the bus, I would have marched back to the office, shouted at her, smashed that old pockmarked lady's face against the glass for making our TP department look like incompetant fools. No, I was kidding, why is it my business? I just hate the feeling of being lied to, that's all.

What difference does it make? I still have to make extra trips. The difference is, if they'd told me the truth the first time they were too busy for me, I could have avoided the extra trips on the second and third instances. Besides, if they'd told me to wait for my turn, I would have done so gladly.

Don't even tell me they close at 1230! I know they do. Polyclinics are very busy places and close at 4 p.m. on weekdays. Can they tell the patients, "hey I ran out of injections/dressings/medicines, can go GP or not?" just because the clinic is overcrowded? Whatever it is, they have to tell the patients the bloody truth right? Same principle here!

Goodness gracious. I could go on and on about this. Do we need another license to operate a bulldozer? Because if we do, I'm considering getting it, then driving one all the way to CDC and flattening it to the ground! Flat as a roti prata! Muahahahaha!

3.11.07 4:19 PM

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Mad with the school


C class medical ward. Like the 2nd busiest ward in the whole hospital. Why do I even bother eating? Let me starve to death! Let me starve! From now till Nov 12th, do you think I have enough time? I don't think so. Let's try again.

Why do I bother drinking water? Let me thirst to death! Let me starve and thirst to death! Better. But what's the point? Such a painful death. Crap. *slaps self*

The ward is not such an issue here, you know. What I'm really scared of is the rest of my life. It struck me yesterday that I'm gonna be in this career for the next few decades or so, if they're no "accidents."

The healthcare profession is just different. It becomes a way of life, not just an 8 hour thing. For Pete's sake! Which profession dictates your hair colour, hairstyle, nail length and maybe even bra colour? I can only think of teaching and medicine.

No use complaining. I chose it. I must walk in it. I will survive. Else, I'll wait till I get that bloody license of mine then go and work as a rubbish truck driver.

Did you know they can earn around $3k a month? *Gasps*

That's the drivers' pay, the ones standing at the back I think it's around $2k. I'm not kidding, I saw it in the classifieds once.

How unfair is that? Some graduates slog like a dog and still don't earn that pay! Now who dares to tell their children this?


I think it's not about being rubbish collector or a doctor. Different people have different capabilities, if the hands of your child are not hands of a surgeon, they could well be hands that make the tools the surgeon uses. If no one collects the rubbish from the doctor's house and he dies in a pile of rubbish, who's gonna do all the operations?

But it's just a case of "let other people's children do the dirty work, mine must be some big shot."

I still have not re-started my driving lessons. I think the wounds are still fresh, let me lick them clean first before I begin. I also got no idea how to squeeze in lessons when I start attachments. Should I book a Feb test date where I should be on hols if I don't screw up my attachments? Feb 14? A hot drive with the old tester?

1.11.07 10:10 PM

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