A.K.A Gatekeeper
I love food, don't deprive me of it.
I'm not Princess, I'm Queen
I can be quite grumpy and when I am, I hide here, my dungeon for reflections, ramblings and ranting.
Whatever I write are opinions, and may not be the whole truth. Do not read it like the Gospel.
I hate as vehemently as I love
I already know I'm crazy, be my friend, it's safer
Different is not bad, just not the same as the rest
If you don't like me, it's probably mutual
But I'm nice, really :p
Blog started 21st June 2007, shifted from www.thegatekeeperstory.blogspot.com
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I'm just too sick and tired of a tagboard with a short term memory.
Thanks! :)
How come the English version and the Cantonese version has quite different meanings? Don't believe me, listen to the Cantonese one.
大哥(Big Brother)
I've got to say that I liked the Cantonese one better, nearly made me cry. No, I don't know Cantonese, I read the lyrics! If you can't read the Mandarin lyrics, basically it's like the characters have this brother/sisterly relationship which is like a stumbling block to building their romantic relationship.
没有好感怎会相亲相爱大哥只是掩饰 *yea go figure*
If there are no feelings, how can we be so loving? "Big brother" is just a cover.
Quite a direct translation, I know. I thought it was the most poignant line of the song.
*wanders off emo-ing*
The lovely 6 year old singer from Britain's Got talent. The audience is so silent when she starts singing you could hear a pin drop. Either she's a really good singer or a really soft one. How about you listen and judge for yourself? :p
It's understandable if it's some lao auntie, which is rare because
1) Aunties seldom bike, it's deemed as "dangerous" so no proper girl would bike
2) Related to my first point, I haven't, in my 19 years of life seen any female above 40 biking.
3) Considering how much flowers he put on that stupid bike, aunties will only put that much flowers if the flowers were on sale.
4) Aunties just have better sense la, and better things to do then stick flowers on a bike, they'd probably do it to their sons' room door but not on a bloody bike.
If you're bored like me, you can read a figment of my imagination. It's what I imagined must have gone on at this lao uncle's house.
"Ah lao ar! You stick all my flowers on your bike for what? Flowers very expensive one leh! Then you go everywhere with the bike, wait rain or what, flower spoil how?"
"Spoil then throw away lor, or not buy new one lor!"
"Ah lao! You think we all so rich meh? The flowers you stole from Ah boy leh! Now I have to buy new flowers for his door la! Waste money leh!"
"Waste money then don't buy lor, Ah boy so old, you put flowers on his door, people will laugh at him one leh..."
"Aiyah! That time I went Geylang Serai, then see people buy, the Malay auntie say cheap so I buy lor. Ah Girl's room too many flowers liao so put on Ah Boy's door lor!
Ah Boy is in the corner, wiping his sweat saying "Heng ah! Papa go and put on his motorbike, at least now Ah Beng and gang won't laugh at my door when they come over to play Dota."
Of course, maybe this uncle is just an attention seeking tigou whose mistress thinks it's cool to own a motorbike and decorate it this way. Don't ask me how come people so stupid can believe their mistress and think it's cool to decorate your bike this way. If some tigou can believe someone young enough to be their daughter/granddaughter is in love with them, I don't know what else they CAN'T believe.If I want a straight hairstlye, it'll be something like this...straight and neat but not without volume...of course not blonde!
Then if I wanna curl my hair, it's gonna be something like this. Will it look nice on my face?
Suggestions? Which looks nicer? Or any better suggestion? Help me please, or not I become mad thinking of what to do with my hair!
The mic's there 'cos it's YMM time and we were supposed to be singing. Cherryl decided to wear Emma's jacket and while we're at it...OUR VERSION OF CHRIS ANGEL MINDFREAK! It's so funny, I decided to put it on her friendster. Hope she likes it. :p
Some long overdue pics from my gerontology posting...So we went to a day care center for the elderly for 2 days and they were gonna celebrate the birthdays of 3 elderly in a few weeks time. Since we were there, they got us to make birthday cards for them.
The outside of the card. Of course I didn't draw the cake! Let you all in on a secret, until today my drawing is still as good as a kindergarden kid's drawing. *runs away*
But I coloured and designed the card. I like the silvery things. "There are no lousy ingredients, just lousy cooks." Yes, we had limited materials but maybe we can only blame our own artistic skills. And you have no idea how much it took to produce a card of this standard!
Oh yea, did you know that you can toast your fries? Today I was feeling hungry and decided to fry some fries. So tried frying it in the deep fryer and half way through, it refused to work! I took it out and stared at the half cooked fries, soaked with oil. To throw it away is such a waste, to eat it, it's disgusting.
I looked at my oven toaster and decided to toast it. It still tastes the same as regular fries! It was only like maybe 20 strands of fries. Imagine if I put in more. Hahaha I would still be by the toaster toasting away!
Anyway, to all my Muslim friends, especially Darling...
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Then this is his froggy no. 2 So ugly, no wonder it is number 2. Bleh!
Oh yea, I was bored and decided to ask him if there is such thing as a fat army officers. One, cos he's an officer, two, because I've never seen a fat man wearing an officer's uniform. So he drew me the above pic. Hahahahaha! Ok!
Then he also drew this because he's on long term MC, rotting at home and can't go anywhere far. So he said he's dying. People are DYING to be on long term MC!!! People like me of course. I don't know why long term MC is wasted on people who don't like to stay at home and laze. Holidays are bad, because you still need to help out with housework. MC, you just groan a little and you can probably get out of it.
Oh yea, I MADE A NEW BLOGSKIN! Not 100% made by me, I used the basecode off another blogskin. Image provided by Darren who happily downloaded it from somewhere. But yea, majority of the coding was done by ME! It's a little errm...perverted though. But I like it, it's funny if you're not so prudish. Go to my test blog to have a look!
Of course, I don't watch anime. I did this blogskin for Darren. DUH! Why do you think he provided me with the image? Yea, so I did the blogskin and he thinks it's perverted. So he did his own version but I think mine's very creative. Perverts are creative people. Don't believe me, go see his blog. His version is there.
Ok, enough said of my perverted blogskin. Whoever wants it, ask me for the html. Otherwise I'll keep it for my own satisfaction. And of course I won't use it for this blog. I spent days and nights tweaking with the coding of this blog. I'm not saying it's the best blogskin in the world but it is the best blogskin for me because it has everything I want.
Oh yea, if anyone's interested in my 2nd circuit lesson...read on.
I finally managed to smell the parallel parking lot in the circuit. I'm proud to say I park my car swee swee, and was secretly smiling to myself and admiring my handiwork. Then you know what they say about complacency? It's the mother of all failures. When I was trying to get out of the lot, I KNOCKED THE POLES DOWN!
They came crashing down with a really loud sound. My instructor yelled at me. I seriously don't know where to hide my face because there were a few cars around my lot. I'm sure they heard the loud crash sound! Arrrgh! I don't know whether they were laughing at me or not. Didn't dare see.
Then at the crank course and whatever not, I nearly crashed into the kerb. AHHHH! I just felt like dying, dying of shame. And he had to rub it in by telling me that there are people behind me, waiting for me.
Sometimes I wonder, do people drive around with spoilt signal lights? Then how come they just squeeze in the lane without signal? If you don't signal, expect me to give way?! Arrgh!
I know I'm quite mad la, see what boredem can do to you. Can actually get so excited because you kicked someone's virtual butt.
And Darren took a pic as a court jester one X mas which I think is really funny. When I saw the pic I just laughed instinctively, probably means he has potential to be a good court jester. I knew if I told him I was gonna put that pic on here to bring joy to my friends, he'll take it down. So I saved it THEN told him. Muahahaha! Evil me. True enough, he said he was gonna take it down. But too late, I told him already saved. :p
Oi! But I asked him nicely if I could put it up 3 mins ago and he said "u wan u put lor."
So yea, he very generously shared such a cute little pic with everyone. THANK YOU DARREN!
Then Xue came online and tries to explain the concept of reverse driving to me. This was part of our msn convo, I like the pic she drew, am gonna keep it for souvenir.
This was another pic she drew...
I have so many interesting friends.
If I ever pass my driving on 29th of Oct, I'd put all my weird theories up. Idiot proof. I promise.